Pinakothek der Moderne

When it is cold outside a great place to visit with children is the Pinakothek der Moderne. Especially Sundays when tickets only cost 1 € (other days it cost 10€).  For the ones that do not know a  pinacotheca was a picture gallery in ancient Greece / Rome  (Greek: πινακοθήκη).
Last Sunday my friend Suada and I met at the museum with our families. Our children where exploring every corner of the museum so I believe they had some great time.
In the exhibition of “Sí/No: The architecture of urban think tank” (presented by the architecture museum TUM)  I found it impressing how people made such an interesting exhibition with by “only” presenting information. Unfortunately, with children we couldn´t stay long to read all the things written.
The collection of Modern Arts consists of over 3000 paintings that are exposed in 35 halls- all are not presented at once but they are rather rotating. We also visited the international design museum with the exhibitor Konstantin Grcic with his famous futuristic (at least to me they looked like it) chairs  and from there we went straight to the exhibition of jewelry.
BUT from all the pictures taken I liked the last one best. The expression, of a mother seeing her child in a “not so optimal situation”…is priceless 😀

Moderna pinakoteka je jedno predobro mjesto za posjetiti sa djecom kad je vani hladno. Pogotovo ako je nedjelja jer ulazne karte tad kostaju samo 1€ umjesto 10€. Za one koje ne znaju je pinacotheca jedna grcka rijec koja se koristila u staroj Grckoj/ Rimu za galeriju slika.
Prosle nedjelje smo moja prijateljica Suada i ja sa nasim familijama provele nekolika sata u muzeju. Djeca su nam svaki cosak muzeja izucavali tako da vjerujem da im je bilo lijepo.
Na izlozbi ” Sí/No: The architecture of urban think tank” (prezentiranom od arhitektnog muzeja TUM) me fasciniralo da ljudi naprave tako jednu zanimljivu izlozbu od “samo” teksta, izsjecaka tekstova i nekoliko slika. Nazalost kad su djeca tu, ne mozete stati i citati sve sto pise.
Kolekcija Moderne umjetnosti se inace sastoji od preko 3000 slika koje su prezentirane u 35 hala (mnogo mjesta za djecu da trckaraju). Naravno nisu sve slike istovremeno prikazane nego rotiraju tako da uvijek ima nesto ”novo” za vidjeti.
Bili smo isto u internacionalnom dizajnerskom muzeju gdje je Konstantin Grcic imao svoju izlozbu futuristicnih (meni su tako izgledale
J) stolica a odatle smo nastavili do muzeja nakita, gdje su prikazivali interesantne objekte. Ali ipak na kraj dana mi je bila zadnja slika najbolja. Slika gdje Suada vidi svoje dijete kako nesto radi sto ne smije. Izraz, jedne majke kad vidi svoje dijete u jednoj ne bas optimalnoj situaciji…je neprocjenjiv 😀


Coral necklace in an unexpected place / Lancic od koralja na neocekivanom mjestu

This weekend my friend Amra and went spontaneously to the flea market in the Post Palace. It gets very obvious how much our society is in this consume mode when visiting such a place. So many things people get “tired off” but that are absolutely fine and some people in this . Maybe the next step will be to get a stand and sell off my things that I do not use, but that are good. This time I bought a toy for my daughter and I got myself a coral necklace (?). These are (luckily) for years forbidden to make, so imagine my surprise to see it at the flea market (even if they are old). leksakkorallOvog vikenda sam spontano otisla na buvljak u Post Palace sa mojom prijateljicom Amrom. Kad dodjem na onakvo mjesto budem svjesna koliko mi ustvari konzumiramo i koja je to ustvari bolest i potreba da sve imamo novo. Toliko je ljudi bilo na buvljaku sa toliko raznih stvari koje su ustvari super, samo treba prebroditi u sebe da sve stvari nisu nove.
Slijedeci korak je da uzmem stand drugi put i da pocnem prodavati svoje stvari. Bolje to nego da stoje i kupe prasinu kod kuce.
Ovog puta sam imala neku ludu srecu. Adi sam kupila igrackicu a sebi jedan crveni lancic od koralja. Vec je godinama zabranjeno praviti nakit od koralja tako da sam se bas zacudila kad sam vidjela lancic na buvljaku (iako nije nov).

DIY with children / Igra djecom

I saw this on the blog of kreativa karin, where also the picture are taken from… and I loved it. This is great for spending some time with children and it is cheap. Use some toilet rolls and some colors and let (childrens) imagination work. Screenshot_3Djur_1_stående-683x1024 Djur_3-683x1024 Djur_5_Lena-683x1024  t
Ovo sam vidjela na blogu od kreativa karin, odakle sam i slike skinula. I ideja mi je preslatka. Super je ako hocete provesti par sati sa djecom, a i jeftino je. Znaci koristite toalet role, bojice i pustite mastu da radi.

H&M Stocks / H&M Dionice

I previously wrote about my plan to have a portfolio (old post) where I can get some dividend every month. For some time the stock market is shaky, and when the old classic stock H&M finally dropped under 280 kr I decided to buy a couple for my daughter. I will keep them for at least five years unless something unexpected happens.
For people that want to start buying stocks maybe it is time to get some cash and start following the market. It is going down, so during some time there might be a possibility to get some stable companies for a fair price. Warren-Buffett-Life-QuotesPisala sam prije (stari post) o mom planu da svakog mjesec dobijem dividendu. Berza se trese vec nekog vremena, i kad su dionice poput H&M pale ispod 280kr tad sam odlucila uzeti par kcerci. Drzacu ih bar pet godina  ako se ne desi nesto neplanirano.
Za ljude koji hoce da pocnu kupovati dionice mozda je vrijeme da stede kes, i da pocnu pratiti berzu. Berza dosta fluktuira pa se mogu ponekad firme za dobru cijenu dobiti.

Prevod slike: Cijena je koju platis a vrijednost je koju dobijes!

Freedom of religion… but only if you believe what I believe! / Sloboda religije…ali samo ako vjerujes u ono sto ja vjerujem!

Yesterday, the famous movement of fascistic idiots, called Pegida, was demonstrating in Munich. To show how “horrifying” Muslims are and how “BAD” it will be when Germany gets “islamized” they even found a guy that called for prayer so everyone could hear the “adhan” in the center of Munich. I was horrified! But not of the adhan. For me that is (and it should be for everyone) as normal as hearing church clocks ringing. Both are in my opionion nice to hear but overrated but that is another story!

For a person that has not a limited mind hearing, in this case the adhan, should make the person feel if not relaxed then at least indifferent about it. In Germany and some more places everyone has the right to express their religion (as long as they follow the laws) and should also be comfortable to do that!
What scared me when I heard the adhan was how people reacted! They were all disgusted and terrified (?), talking silently about it with each other. There was hatred in their face and they were angry (?) to hear the adhan in the middle of the day in the middle of THEIR city. These are mostly people that consider themselves  open minded and believe that this is a great thing with freedom of religion however with a big “BUT” …. The expression of their face said “f-k this “freedom of religion for everyone”. We do now want it! Go back where you came from”.
Thinking back and remembering the communist states. In this whole story, I find, the communist where much fairer in this subject. They simply put all religions in the same drawer calling them useless. No one was favored, no one forgotten, and all religions were considered crap.
Now we have a pseudo freedom of religion but as long as people on the streets react as they reacted yesterday, that freedom of religion is just a sentence on a paper with which one you can literally wipe your butt! With other words there is no religion of freedom here unless you believe in what we believe!water-religion-dalai-lamaJucer je jedna poznata grupa fascistickih idiota zvani Pegida su demonstrirali u Minhenu. Da pokazu kako je to ”zastrasujuce” i kako ce biti ”grozno” kad se islamizira Njemacka nasli nekog covjeka koji je pozivao na molitvu i tako se u sred Minhena u sred bijela dana cuo ezan. Za mene ( a trebalo bi biti to zvakog) je normalno cuti ezan toliko koliko mi je normalno cuti crkvena zvona. Za moj pojam su obe ove stvari totalno nepotrebne ali to je druga prica…
Za osobe sa otvorenim pogledom svijeta, kad cuju ezan, trebale bi u biti da se osjecaju opusteni ili barem ravnodusni.
U Njemackoj i jos par drzava, svi imaju pravo da svoju religiju prakticiraju, dok se drze zakona.
Mene je prepala reakcija ljudi! U facama se vidjelo kako im je odvratno a i kako su prestraseni (?), pricali su tiho jedno sa drugima. Bila je mrznja u licima i bili su ljuti (?) da cuju ezan u sred bijela dana u sred njihovog grada. Ovo su ljudi koji vecinom o sebi misle kako su otvorenog uma i vjeruju da je sloboda religija jedna super stvar medjutim uvijek se tu uvuce jedno veliko ”ALI”…
Izraz njihovih lica je pricao drugu pricu poput – ”J-i ti ”slobodu religije za svakog”. Mi to necemo! Vratite se odakle ste dosli!
To me podsjeti na bivse komunsticke drzave. U citavoj prici su oni bili posteniji kad se prica o religiji. Oni su jednostavno sve religije stavili u jednu ladicu u nazvali je nepotrebnom. Ni jedna religija nije bila favorizirana niti je bila zaboravljena. Jednostavno su sve gledane kao smece. Sad imamo neku pseudoslobodu praktivovanja religija. Ali dok god obicni ljudi po ulicama reaguju onako kako su jucer reagovali, ta sloboda religija je samo jedna lijepa recenica na papiru sa kojim ti bukvalno mozes da guzicu obrises. Drugim rijecima ovdje nema slobode religija dok god ne vjerujes u ono sto mi vjerujemo!

62 *x= 3 600 000 000*x

According to Oxfam the richest 62 people in the world owe as much as 3 600 000 000 poorest people in the world. These 62 people have increased their wealth with 542 billion dollars from 2010. The worst thing is that this difference increases. The rich ones become filthy rich while the others get poorer. The bizarre part is that except for the left parties and the communists the whole world seem to find that ok (or they say they are not ok with it but vote for people allowing it). People believe that is the way world works (?): Obviously, that is something we are supposed to believe. Especially, since the richest people control everything including what we see at TV. We are all indoctrinated to believe that it is possible for everyone to become so rich. We “just have to work hard, and have the bright ideas” and everyone of us will become one of these 62 people. I just say “yeah right and pigs do fly”. Unless you are born into the families of these 62 people you will never ever even come close to them, their richness and power.
Now I wonder who is actually the crazy one here? The communists and lefties (that are looked at as the devil in the church) that want everyone to have the same opportunities or the capitalists that finds it normal that 62 people own as much as 3 600 000 000 people… Sorry but can some one please explain that to me from the human point of view?160114173556-oxfam-wealth-inequality-780x439lamborgini  refugee
Po podacima od Oxfama 62 najbogatije osobe na svijetu imaju isto toliko kao sto 3 600 000 000 najsiromasnijih ljudi u svijetu. Od 2010 su ove 62 osobe povecali svoju imovinu za 542 milijarde dolara. Da bude jos gore ova razlika raste. Bogati postaju sve bogatiji a siromasni sve siromasniji. Bizarno je da, osim lijevice I komunista, svijet smatra da je to neko normalno stanje, da je to ok. Ocigledno je da smo indoktrinirani preko medija koje upravo ovi ljudi drze da svi mi mozemo postati tako bogati (i mocni). “Samo” trebamo puno raditi i imati dobre ideje. To je isto istinito koliko je i da “svinje mogu letiti”. Ako niste rodjeni u tu familiju nikada necete ni prismrditi tom bogatstvu a jos manje toj moci koje tih 62 ljudi imaju.
Tako da se sad pitam ko je ovdje lud? Komunisti i lijevica (koju inace ovdje gledaju kao djavola u crkvi) koja smatra da smo svi isti i da trebamo imati svi ista prava ILI kapitalisti kojima je to normalno da 62 osobe toliko imaju imovine kao sto ima 3 600 000 000? Da li mi neko moze objasniti to iz nekog ljudskog pogleda?

Bringing nature into the living room / Unijeti prirodu u dnevnu sobu

The chilean artist Sebastian Errazuriz was out for a walk in Santiago in Chile, when he noticed and got inspired by a branch. Out of the branch he made this beautiful bookshelf bringing nature into the living room. The bookshelf got the name Bilbo after the street where the branch was found. Fascinating how simple things can be so beautiful 😀grenhylla880x660(ByMinScale_TopLeft_Transparent_True) Kad je čileanski umjetnik Sebastian Errazuris bio u šetnji u Santiagu (Čile) primjetio je jednu granu koju je ponijeo kući. Inspirisan, napravio je prelijepu policu za knjige s kojom je unio prirodu u dnevnu sobu. Polica je dobila ime Bilabo po ulici gdje je umjetnik našao. Fascinantno kako jednostavne stvari mogu biti lijepe 😀

pic fr. here 

Meso.. za Krajiskinju :D

Some time ago the blogger Krajiskinja that just moved to Germany asked about how veal rose is said in German. I found this “map” and hope this will help her out. Bon appetit!

Prije nekog vremena blogerica Krajiskinja je postavila pitanje na blogu kako se zove teleca ruza na njemackom. Nasla sam ovu sliku i nadam se da joj to moze sta pomoci. Prijano 😀

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Stay above the rivers / Stanovanje iznad rijeka

These houses do not yet exist but are planned to be built in 2017 in north Sweden. The project called Sápmi Jokk at Vindel river was started from the entrepreneur Christer Kvick, and these houses were designed by the architect Björn Ingridsson. They are supposed to function as a hotel with each house having two to four beds. I find the idea fantastic and immediately I was thinking of  all the rivers in Bosnia and how cool that would look like to walk above the river… especially if the floor would be transparent 😀  600x857(ByMinScale_TopLeft_Transparent_True) 700x457(ByMinScale_TopLeft_Transparent_True) brohus_puffOve kuce jos uvijek nisu napravljene ali su planirane do 2017 u sjevernoj Svedskoj. Projekat, zvani Sápmi Jokk, je startovan od preduzetnika Christer Kvick a kuce su dizajnirane od arhitekte Björn Ingridsson. Ideja je da ovo bude hotel gdje svaka kucica ima dvije do cetiri kreveta. Ideja mi je fantasticna i odmah sam pomislilla kako bi to izgledalo kad bi se setkala iznad rijeka…pogotovo kad bi pod bio proziran 😀

Illustrations / Slike: Björn Ingridsson/Bierne arkitektkontor