Barkarby outlet in Stockholm / Barkarby outlet u Stockholmu

I haven´t been to Barkarby outlet for years so when my dad suggested we should go there I took the opportunity. We didn´t have so much time before I had to pick up Ada but we have enough to spend some money 😛 I bought a pair of Ecco shoes with great color, a pair of Gant pants and lovely placemats from the brand Arc of Sweden. Who said shopping is not fun? Especially, when the sales are 😀 20160204_163413_resized 20160204_163537_resized20160204_163346_resizedNisam bila u Barkarby outletu godinama, tako da kad je tata predlozio da odemo iskoristila sam priliku da odem. Nismo imali puno vremena jer sam trebala po Adu, ali smo imali dovoljno da potrosimo novac 😛 Kupila sa Ecco cipele, Gant hlace i podmetace od Arc of Sweden marke. Ko kaze da nije smijesno ici u kupovinu? Pogotovo kad su snizenja 😀


Flying flying flying Ada / Leti leti leti Ada

Yesterday, me and Ada arrived in Stockholm. I felt in the morning I was getting the cold but hoped for the best. The flight was super, and Ada was sleeping the whole way. Today though, I am k.o. So now I will just relax and drink tea…
Love the view when flying 😀 / Volim pogled kad letim 20160131_111156_resized 20160131_113652_resized
Jucer smo Ada i ja stigle u Stockholm. Ujutru sam osjetila kao da cu se prehladiti ali sam se nadala najboljem. Sam let je bio super. Ada je bila jos bolja. Citav put je prespavala. Danas medjutim, sam totalno k.o. Nadam seda ce sutra biti bolje. Sada me samo ceka odmoranje i dobar caj..

Weekend / Vikend

Last weekend was busy. Friday evening I met my friends that I haven´t met in ages. We met in the café Happy Fildjan. If anyone is interested to try bosnian food do it at Happy Fildjan. The food is really tasty, fresh and well made. We even got an honor to get a picture with the owner of the café / restaurant 🙂20160129_225533_resizedProsli vikend je bio pun dozivljaja. Petak uvecer sam izasla sa prijateljicama koje nisam vidjela 100 godina. Sreli smo se u Happy Fildjanu. Cak smo imali cast da se slikamo sa gazdom kafica/ restorana :)Since, me and Ada where flying to Sweden on Sunday, I met my friend Vindi at Saturday. Both of us are chocolate lovers so we went to the best (chocolate) store in the city to buy my niece some chocolate. She loves the Valhrona Dulcey, white chocolate so that is a must to bring her. Me and Vindi “tried” (ate the whole chocolate) a Sea Salt chocolate (the one she holds in her hands) and it was delicious, so I recommend it. The evening we finished off with the best Maschaua soup in the city at the Afghani restaurant Nigin. 20160130_163745_resized 20160130_163926_resized 20160130_163951_resized 20160130_213440_resizedPosto smo ja i Ada isle za Svedsku u nedjelju, subotu sam provela sa mojom prijateljicom Vindi. Obe obozavamo cokoladu tako da smo otisle u najbolju prodavnicu u gradu da kupim mojoj necakinji malo cokolade. Necakinja voli Valhronu Dulcey, bijelu cokoladu i ne smijem joj na oci bez nje 🙂 Vindi i ja smo “probale” ( pojele smo je citavu)  jednu sa Morskom soli (drzi je u ruci na slici)  i bila je predobra. Probajte je i vi. Vecer smo zavrsili sa najboljom afganskom Masausupom u gradu u afganskom restoranu Nigin.

Ada Painting / Ada slika

A thing Ada loves to do is to paint. She spends some 15-20 min with it which is something like an eternity in her world. In the last picture one can see the ” a man” painted when reciting the story of cika glisa…She loves it and repeats it when I tell her 🙂20160129_125752_resized20160129_125809_resized20160129_132855_resized20160129_140631_resized 20160129_140638_resized 20160129_140649_resized
Ada voli slikati/ farbati vodenim bojama. I jednom kad sjedne sa bojama ona sjedi mirno nekih 15-20 min sto je jedna vjecnost u njezinom svijetu. U zadnjoj slici vidite “cika glisu”. Ada voli da joj ga crtam i recitujem dok ona ponavlja za mnom 🙂

Cika glisa
Tacka tacka tackica,  (crtate oci i nos)
crta crta crtica,       (crtate obrve  usne)
gotova je glavica.
Usi culi, (crtate usi itd.)
Tanak vrat;
A stomak k´o crkveni sat,
Noge, ruke kao u misa,
Gotov je cika glisa 😀


The morning we spent with Ada´s dear friend Kian and his mother. I have heard of it but now was the first time I went to the Winterspielplatz. We arrived around 10h and where among the last ones to be let in because they are getting full very fast. The staff is friendly, it is for free 😀 so I recommend this place if you do not mind having hundred screaming kids around you…The pics were taken when all the children went out.

Jutro smo proveli sa Adinim dragim prijateljem Kianom i njegovom mamom. Culi smo za ovo, ali pp prvi put smo bile u Winterspielplatz-u. Stigli smo poprilicno kasno, oko 10h i bili smo medju zadnjima koje su pustili da udju jer je vec puna sala bila. Osoblje je jako prijatno, dzabe je tako da vam preporucujem da dodjete ako vam ne smeta neki stotinu vristajuce djece. ..Slike sam uspijela uslikati kad su sva djeca izasla.


I believe that the best thing to do with children is to go swimming. At least this is what Ada thinks. Surprisingly, I never went to West bad indoors despite it being the closest indoor swimming pool, and I was positively surprised. It is a fantastic place for children. Ada was swimming for 2hrs making her very very tired , she fell asleep at 18.30h (ok, she woke up at 00h but that´s another story). We even made a fantastic selfie (not) after swimming, but then she started crying and wanted to go home.


West bad pictures from hereWestbad-Foto-Robert-Goetzfried9013 Westbad-Foto-Robert-Goetzfried9019 Westbad-Foto-Robert-Goetzfried9054Smatram da je najbolja stvar koju mozemo djecom raditi da odemo na bazen. To barem Ada smatra. Za divno cudo, iako nam je najblizi, nikada nisam otisla do West bad bazena. Bila sam pozitivno iznenadjena. Mjesto je san za djecu. Ada je dva sata plivala i naravno toliko se izmorila da je u 18.30h zaspala (ustala je doduse u 00h ali to je druga prica). Cak sam napravili fantastican selfie (ne bas) poslije kupanja, ali je tako postala kenkava da smo moral kuci.


Chilling in the library / Visenje u biblioteci

One of the dearest things when I was a child was to go to the library. There was this fountain/ pool with golden fish swimming around that fascinated me. There was also the cosy children´s corner with all the great books and favorite fairy tales. This positive feeling about libraries (and books) I want to project onto my daughter.
Said and done I brought my daughter to the library. I was, I admit a little bit surprised that they even have teddy bears around. Ada liked them very much 😀
20160126_173228_resized 20160126_173624_resized 20160126_174418_resized 20160126_174807_resized 20160126_174811_resizedJedna od najljepsih stvari koje smo kao djeca radili su bili odlasci u biblioteku. Tamo je bila jedna fontana / bazencic gdje su zlatne ribice plivale i bile su mi, kao i svakom djetetu, tako fascinantne i lijepe. Bio je tamo i jedan udobni djeciji cosak sa svim mogucim knjigama i bajkama. Taj pozitivni osjecaj hocu da prenesem na Adu tako da smo nas dvije otisle zajedno u biblioteku. Ada je bila odusevljena, pogotovo medama koje, priznajem, nisam ocekivala u biblioteci 😀

Good foundation / Dobra fondacija

I admit, I am no lover of foundations or powders.  I tried many different labels and different products, every time I felt the products like a plastic layer over my face. I was suggested the “Miracle air de teint” (Lancome) foundation by a girl, and I have to say it is first time ever I actually liked a foundation. Miracle air de teint is a light cover foundation feeling very soft on the skin. The skin absorbs it right away and feels nice and soft afterwards. I definitely recommend it!
miracle aird de tent

Priznajem, nisam fan nekih pudera i fondacija. Probala sam dosta raznih marki i raznih produkata, ali svaki put mi se osjecalo kao da sam namazala kilu plastike na lice. Jedna cura mi je predlozila da probam “Miracle air de teint” (Lancome) fondaciju, i priznajem da mi se prvi put ikad svidja jedna fondacija.  Miracle air de teint (Lancome) fondacija je jedna lagana fondacija i osjeca se vrlo mekano na kozi. Koza odmah absorbira fondaciju i odmah se osjeca glatka. Definitivno je preporucujem!