unplugged / Iskljucena

Some say it is healthy to “detox” from internet. I guess they are right. I am doing it right now even if that is not really what I want. After having a computer break down, I have now great computer but no internet since days. Today,  I heard that is because some guys at Telecom are in strike, and that can take some more days until I get my internet back. Detox ? Yes, but only after psychological preparation…over and out! Screenshot_2016-04-06-22-02-33~2Neki kazu da je zdravo ici na “detoks”. Sigurno su u pravu. Upravo sam sad na detoksu iako to nije samovoljno. Nakon sto mi je kompjuter crko, imam sad novi kompjuter koji ne koristim jer vec danima nemam internet. Danas sam cula da je razlog sto iz telekoma strajkuju i da ce jos potrajati :/Detoks? Da, ali samo nakon priprema psihicki…ovako je to brate horor.



Hellabrunn Zoo/ Hellabrunn zoloski vrt

Last week on the first spring or rather summer day we went to the Hellabrunn Zoo with Suada and her family. Hellabrunn zoo is the first geozoo in the world and one of the richest zoos when it comes to the number of species living there. Hellabrunn was open in 1911 and today there are 750 different species living on  40 hectars. From 1928 it is the first geozoo with species from every continent. This means you can take a walk from Antarctica to Arctic. For the young visitors there are playgrounds and even carousel. The zoo is definitely a place to visit if you by chance visit Munich.

U prvom proljetnom, ili ljetnom danu mi smo otisli sa Suadom I njezinom familijom u Hellabrunn zooloski vrt. To je prvi geozoloski vrt u svijetu I jedan od najbogatijih zoloskih vrtova na svijetu. Napravljen je 1911. g I danas na 40 hektara zivi oko 750 vrsta zivotinja. Od 1928 zive zivotinje sa svih kontinenata (geozoloski vrt), sto znaci mozete setnjom da prodjete od Antarktisa do Arktisa. Za mlade posjetioce ima igralista pa caki ringispil. Definitvno za preporuciti ako ste igrom slucaja u Minhenu.

New computer / novi kompjuter

Couple of days ago my acer laptop just broke down without any notice so yesterday I got a new one yeah! There are soo many nice laptops to chose between, but in the end I chose the Asus zenbook… in GOLD 😀 new asus
asusPrije nekolika dana mi je odjednom crko kompjuter tako da sam jucer kupila novi, jupi ! Toliko je bilo dobri laptopa da je meni jako tesko bilo izabrati neki, ali sam na kraju izabrala Asus Zenbook u ZLATNOJ boji. Nadam se da ce biti perfektan za moje potrebe 😀

Estelles stock portfolio / Estellin portfolio dionica

I read in sparabloggen that the Swedish magazine Dagens Industri (DI), had made a stock portfolio for the future queen Estelle that she will get the day she turns 18. There are 10 stocks chosen and they are checked upon and changed if necessary only once a year. DI invested 100 000 kr (around 11-12 000 euro)  and until now with the strong stock market the money has increased by 80,89%. The dividends are reinvested in these 10 companies. This portfolio would probably fit most of us amateurs. Here are four things to think of when making such a portfolio:

  • choose 10 companies to have in your portfolio
  • choose quality company that are relatively stable
  • don´t touch the portfolio to often. Once or twice a year should do
  • Reinvest the dividends in the companiesestelleutveckling-diagram
    Procita u sparabloggen da su svedske novine Dagens Industri (DI) napravile jedan portfolio dionica za buducu kraljicu Estelle. Taj portfolio ce ona dobiti tog dana kad napuni 18 godina. 10 dionica su izabrane i jednom godisnje prelaze i mijenjaju ako smatraju da treba. DI su investirali 100 000 kr (oko 11-12 000 Eura) i sa berzom koja je zadnjih godina jaka i napredna bila taj novac je porastao u vrijednost sa citavih 80.89%. Dividende reinvestiraju u ovih 10 firmi. Ovaj portfolio pase vecini nas amatera i ako pravite ovakav portfolio mislite na slijede cetiri stvari:
  • izaberite 10 firmi
  • izaberite relativno stabilne kvalitetne firme
  • dirajte portfolio samo jednom ili dva put godisnje
  • reinvestirajte dividende u tih deset firmi

slike iz sparabloggen

pic. from sparabloggen


Finally, I went to Neuschwanstein. This is one thing off my bucket list. The day started by a 1.5h trip to Hohenschwangau, where the castle is located. My two cousins Sejla and Amina where also coming with us.
Arriving in Hohenschwangau we had to take the ticket and that is when we got very surprised how many people there were. The whole city was crowded by tourists. We had to wait for 1.5h to be able to buy the tickets to Neuschwanstein. We got tickets where the tour was at 16:25h, and it was only 14.30h. To take the bus to the Neuschwanstein, one has to wait another 1-2hrs, so we decided to take the 30-40 minute walk to the castle. When we finally arrived to the castle and entered the castle we had a guided tour that took 35 minutes.
The guided tour was a joke. We were allowed to see 3-4 rooms and we were not allowed to take any pictures inside the castle. We didn´t even get the time to enjoy the rooms because there was another group already knocking at the door. Neuschwanstein as a castle is an architectonic masterpiece, but all the rest around is a masterpiece of commercialism. You pay, you get half an hour glimpse into the castle and then you are shuffled out to a souvenir shop. Despite this, I enjoyed the wonderful day with my daughter and husband, and my two wonderful cousins.

Napokon, sam otisla da vidim poznati Neuschwanstein. Dan je poceo sa 1.5h voznje do Hohenschwangau, gdje taj dvorac bude. Moje dvije teticne Sejla i Amina su nam se isto pridruzile.
Kad smo stigle u Hohenschwangau i kad smo trebale kupiti karte zacudile, ili bolje reci, sokirale smo se koliko je naroda. Citav grad je pun puncat turista. Trebali smo cekati 1.5h da dodjemo na red da kupimo karte. Uspijeli smo da karta u 14.30h a vodic, jer se samo moze vodicem kroz dvorac, nam je tek bio u 16.25h zakazan. Da bi autobusom otisli do dvorca, trebali bi cekati 1-2h red, tako da odlucimo da se popnemo pjesce. Mogu reci da je to penjanje i te kako dobar trening. Noge su mi otpale dok sam gore stigla.
Kad smo stigli do dvorca i kad smo usli u dvorac imali smo vodica kojeg nas je za nekih 35 minuta kroz par soba proveo. Nismo smjeli slikati, a vodic je bio totalno bezveze. Nismo imali ni vremena da stanemo u sobama da stvarno pogledamo sobe, jer je vec slijedeca grupa kucala na vratima. Neuschwanstein je arhitektonsko remekdjelo, a sve ostalo je remekdjelo komercijalizma. Platis, dobijes pola sata da gledas dvorac i onda te samo dalje gurnu u suvenirsku radnju. Ipak nakon svega sam uzivala u prelijepom danu sa kcerkom, muzom i mojim divnim rodicama.IMG_3322

Cevapi in Munich / Cevapi u Minhenu

Cevapi THE traditional Bosnian dish. This dish, if you really want to eat a proper one you should eat it in Bosnia. All the ones I have eaten abroad have had this little something missing. Today, we and Suada with her family went to a place in Munich called XXL Cevapi, at Plinganserstr. 63. I do have to say that they were absolutely fine. So fine that we ate so much and still at 23h in the evening I am drop dead full. As a finish of the whole lunch Ada threw a glas of yoghurt at me. What more can one wish…. 20160327_162243_resized 20160327_162258_resizedOd svih cevapa koje sam jela van Bosne, uvijek je ono “nesto” falilo. Ako hoces dobar cevap, jednostavno ga moras u Bosni jesti. Danas smo ipak odlucili da odemo sa Suadom i njezinom familijom, i probamo cevape u XXL Cevapi, na Plinganserstr. 63. I bili su dobri. Toliko dobri da smo se tako prejeli da sam jos uvijek u 23h sita. Za kraj me Ada polila sa casom jogurta. Sta se moze jos pozeliti 😛cevapi

Jo Malone perfume / Jo Malone parfem

Yesterday, I had a day off from Ada and my husband and thus spent the day with a friend. She showed me a perfume of the house Jo Malone that I really liked and since I haven´t bought a perfume in ages I decided to buy myself a gift. Is there anything better than a gift bough for yourself by yourself? I choose the one of cardamom and .mimosa.
The company Jo Malone was founded 1994, by Joanne Lesly Malone. She had a severe dyslexia ending in leaving the school without any qualifications. It is impressive that despite dyslexia she managed to build up a company that strong that she in 1999 could sell it to Estée-Lauder for “undisclosed millions”. What is interesting with these perfumes is that they are made in such way that one can mix them with other scents of the same brand. Probably, one can do it with other perfumes also, I just never thought of if. )
20160327_093641_resized 20160327_093845_resized 20160327_093856_resized
Jucer, sam imala “slobodan” dan od Ade i Ensara pa sam ga provela sa prijateljicom. Pokazala mi je parfeme iz kuce Jo Malone koje su mi se pravo svidjeli. Kako nisam sto godina kupila ni jedan parfem odlucim sebi uzeti jedan od kardamom i mimoze. Ima li ista bolje nego poklon koji sam sebi kupis?
Firma Jo Malone je pravljena 1994 od Joanne Lesly Malon. Ona je imala tesku disleksiju i skolu je napustila bez ikakvih kvalifikacija. Zato je impresivno da je uspijela u tako kratkom roku napraviti firmu koju je vec 1999 prodala za “nepoznate”milione koncerni Estée-Lauder.
Sto je zanimljivo ovim parfemom je da se mogu mijesati sa drugim mirisima iz njihove linije. Vjerovatno se to moze i sa drugim parfemima, samo sto se ja to nikad nisam sjetila:)

Food depression / Depresija kuhanja

Do you ever get really tired and unmotivated of the food you prepare at home? I come into that phase from time to time ( I am in it now). Suddenly, I would prefer just to go around from restaurant to restaurant in order to avoid the food at home. Nothing tastes good and I suffer a complete lack of energy and will to cook. Even the food my husband makes is boring. Talking with a friend of mine I noticed I am not the only one suffering from this “food depression”. My sister solved this “problem” with a simple but great thing.  She wrote a list with all the different dishes that she likes and when she gets the “food depression” she simply looks at it and reminds herself of all the things she can cook. A thing I try to do to avoid the food depression is to try to learn some international cooking like for example indian cooking so that I can make some fast dishes from different countries and thereby get some variation. How do you guys cope with “food depression”? recepti
Da li vama ikad postane pravljenje hrane pravo dosadno i postanete li toliko demotivirani da vam se apsolutno nista ne da praviti. Meni se to desi sa vremena na vrijeme. Odjednom bih najradije samo hodala po restoranima i izbjegavala bih pravljenje hrane. Nista mi ne smeka dobro, i totalno izgubim i volju i energiju da kuham kod kuce. Pa cak i ono sto muz  skuha mi bude “dosadno” za jesti. Pricala sam sa prijateljicama i primjetila da nisam jedina koja udje u tu “depresiju kuhanja”. Sestra moja je to rijesila jednim jednostavnim trikom. Jednostavno napisala listu svih jela sto voli i onda kad bude demotivisana pogleda listu i podsjeti se sta moze napraviti.  Ja sto probam uraditi da izbjegnem tu depresiju kuhanja je da se naucim sto vise internacionalnih jela i tako dobijem malo variacije jela. Kako se vi bocite sa “depresijom kuhanja”? dorowat-kyckling

New city new life / Novi grad novi pocetak

My husband Ensar, got a new job, which is great, BUT we have to move to Karlsruhe (KA) which is feeling awkward. A thing I was quite surprised about was that the apartments are so expensive to rent in KA. We have been looking for apartments for two months and at last we came to a point where we took just any apartment. We have the keys and are just waiting for the landlord to paint the apartment and after that we are off. Regarding the moving I am a bit nervous. I like meeting new people so I think it will be pretty interesting to move to new place. But I also think it is much easier meeting people when you are young and party so I admit, I am quite nervous of moving… Karlsruher_Schloss_Front_PanoramaEnsar je dobio ponudu za posao sto je super, ALI moramo se seliti u Karlsruhe (KA) sto mi se osjeca…onako. Sto me pravo zacudilo je kako su stanovi u KA skupi za iznajmiti. Trazili smo stan neka dva mjeseca i na kraju smo uzeli bilo koji. Dobili smo kljuceve i cekamo da gazda okreci stan i onda slijedi selidba. Volim srecati nove ljude i mislim da ce biti interesantno preseliti u KA. Ali u drugu ruku je ipak dosta lakse sresti novo drustvo kad je insan mladji i izlazi van, ili kad je student itd., tako da sam ne malo nervozna sto se tice novih selidbe…

pic. fr. wikipedia

“Je suis” London, Istanbul, Brussels …

These events bring back bad memories…
When I was 14 or maybe 15 I traveled abroad for the first time without my parents. I traveled to London with a choir. Back then IRA was quite active in England, which I didn´t really grasp in that time. It was just something on the news that occurred from time to time.
That day the whole choir took the metro. It was maybe even the first time I took the metro. I remember just how cool I found it to be in the metro in one of the coolest cities in the world. We reached the station where we had to get out. I remember the sky and my surprise that London was not rainy at all (I had imagined something like tropical rain there). The sky was bright blue and there where no clouds. Imagine our surprise hearing the thunder loud and clearly. Thunder we thought it was. But sadly it wasn´t.
The “thunder” was actually three blasts at the next station. Three people got killed and over hundred got hurt. One station had in my case maybe meant life or death. I´ll never forget that day. I will also never forget the relief afterwards, that I had to get out before the blasts.
My heart is with all these innocent people having been in the wrong place in the wrong moment. But I cannot get rid of the bad feeling that this is only the beginning. People get afraid and start vote for extremists not understanding that in moment like these it is even more important to cool down, and keep the humanity and respect to all people. your believsDogadjaji poput Istanbula i Brisela mi vrate losa sjecanja…
Kad mi je bilo nekih 14, 15 godina ja sam prvi put putovala u inostranstvo bez roditelja. Isla sam horom u London. U to vrijeme su IRA bili prilicno aktivni, mada to ja tad nisam bas razumijela. Meni je to bilo samo nesto sa vijesti, sto se sa vremena na vrijeme culo.
Taj dan je cijeli hor isao metroom. Mozda mi je cak prvi put bio da idem metroom. Sjecam se samo da mi je jako cool bilo da se nalazim u metrou u jednom on najcool gradova na svijetu. Stigli smo na stanicu gdje smo trebali izaci. Sjecam se da je vani  bilo prelijepo vrijeme. Plavo nebo bez ijednog oblaka. To me cudilo jer sam zamisljala nesto poput tropski kisa u Londonu. Cula se grmljavina, sto nas je malo zacudilo jer nije bilo oblaka.
Medjutim, grmljavina je ustvari bile tri bombe koje su eksplodirale stanicu iza nase. Troje ljudi je tu poginulo i preko 100 ih je bilo povrijedjeni.
U mom slucaju moze biti da je jedna stanica metroom znacila zivot ili smrt. Taj dan nikad necu zaboraviti. Niti cu zaboraviti olaksanje koje sam osjetila kasnije…da smo morale izaci stanicu prije iz metra.
Misli su mi sa ljudima koji su ove strahove prozivjeli i dozivjeli, sto su bili na pogresnom mjestu u pogresnom vremenu.
Ali ne mogu isto tako da se rijesim tog loseg osjecaja da je ovo samo pocetak. Ljudi se prepadnu i pocnu glasati za ekstremiste koji nista dobro ne nose sa sobom. Ljudi treba da razumiju da je upravo u ovim groznim momentima jos vaznije da se smire i da sacuvaju humanost i respekt prema svim ljudima.