In times of corona virus and staying at home one can enjoy a couple of books with the kids.
German books
Wir sind die kleinen Tierkinder
English Books
Niko bei den Dinosauriern (ENG)
Wir Sind die Kleinen Tierkinder (ENG)

In times of corona virus and staying at home one can enjoy a couple of books with the kids.
German books
Wir sind die kleinen Tierkinder
English Books
Niko bei den Dinosauriern (ENG)
Wir Sind die Kleinen Tierkinder (ENG)
One of the places that we managed to visit, a couple of times even, is one of the worlds most famous natural history museums in New York city.
When my parents where here me and my mother took the metro to the city and it is the worst metro that I have ever seen in my life. It wasn’t really what we expected so we just had to take a picture of that…
Jedno od mjesta koje smo uspijeli posjetiti, čak par puta, je jedan od najpoznatijih muzeja na svijetu je Američki muzej prirodne istorije u New York gradu.
Kad su moji roditelji bili u posjetu ja i mama smo otišle metrom u grad i to je najružniji metro koji smo ikada vidjele. Morale smo to uslikati…
It looked a little better when we got out at the end station. Izgledalo je malo bolje kad smo izašli na završnu našu stanicu.
The museum is HUGE!
The first buildings were built in 1874 and buildings were added during the years. The last one that is built will be (planned) in 2022.
It has 26 buildings and 45 permanent exhibition halls. It contains over 34 million(!!) specimens of plants, animals, fossils, minerals, rocks, meteorites, human remains, and human cultural artifacts as well as specialized collections for frozen tissue and genomic and astrophysical data, of which only a small fraction can be displayed at any given time, and occupies more than 190,000 m2.
The one thing that impressed me the most is actually that it is financed by donations. It means that when you come to this museum you can donate 1 cent and enter. You don’t have to buy tickets to enter. Only special exhibitions are payed extra, but if you are visiting the museum once in your lifetime, I would not pay for the extra exhibitions but just go for the permanent ones. They are impressive enough.
Muzej je OGROMAN!
Prve zgrade su izgrađene 1874. godine, a tokom dug niz godina dodavane su zgrade gdje se muzej širio. Posljednja koja je izgrađena planirana je biti završena 2022. godine.
Muzej se sastoji od 26 zgrada i 45 stalnih izložbenih dvorana. Sadrži preko 34 milion (!!) primjeraka biljaka, životinja, fosila, minerala, stijena, meteorita, ljudskih ostataka i ljudskih kulturnih artefakata, kao i specijalizirane zbirke smrznutog tkiva, genomske i čak astrofizičke podatke. Samo mali dio svega ovoga se može prikazati jednom trenutku i ipak zauzima više od 190.000 m2.
They have a fantastic homepage where one can check out the museum in 3 D (link) or explore the exhibits (link)
Imaju fantastičnu stranicu gdje možete gledati muzej u 3 D format (link) i možete čak i vidjeti izložbe (link)