Does she have eyes? / Ima li oči?

Driving the kids to the kindergarten we stopped at the traffic lights. Outside was an African black woman in exotic colorful clothes. You couldn’t miss her. Ada told me to look at her!
I wanted to hear what Ada saw and told her that I do not know whom to look at. I asked her what she sees expecting her to say a black woman.
Since yesterday Ada had a discussion about blindness the whole morning (no clue why but she comes up with weird themes sometimes) she told me, a little bit shocked, that the  sees a woman with no eyes (?). I first didn’t get it but then I saw that the woman was looking down so her eyes looked closed when looking from our car. I had to explain to Ada the reason it looks like the woman doesn’t have eyes and then we continued discussing eyes. Ada’s questions where like does everyone have eyes? What if they don’t, and so on but the top question was “what will a person do if it doesn’t have a head? ”
Well, I have no answer to that one do I 😀

Ada asking questions / Ada postavlja pitanja

Na putu do vrtića zaustavili smo se na semaforu. Vani je stojala jedna afrička žena obućena u egzotičnoj jakih boja garderobi. Ne možeš je profulati i da hoćeš. Ada mi je rekla da je pogledam!
Htjela sam da čujem šta Ada vidi pa sam joj rekla da mi objasni. Pitala sam je šta vidi i očekivala san od nje da kaže crnu ženu.
S obzirom da je Ada od jučer razgovarala o slijepima (nema pojma zašto, ali ponekad započne malo čudne teme) rekla mi je, malo šokirana, da vidi ženu bez očiju (?). Prvo nisam shvatila šta misli, ali sam onda vidjela da žena gleda dole i da su joj oči izgledale zatvorene kad gledaš iz našeg auta. Objasnila sam Adi zašto to tako izgleda da nema očiju i onda smo nastavile razgovarati o očima. Adina pitanja su bila imaju li svi oči? Šta ako ne? I tako dalje, ali glavno pitanje je bilo “šta će osoba učiniti ako nema glavu”? Pa, na to pitanje baš i nemam neki odgovor zar ne 😀

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