Pepins is a crowdfunding plattform that provides the possibility to invest in entrepreneurs and their companies that are off the stock market. I like the idea and the freedom it gives to people that want to fulfil their dreams .
When the investment opportunity came for Pepins itself I invested the minimum amount of 30 shares ( 540 kr) .
For interested the offer is still ongoing and there are over 960 investors that have invested over 70 million kronor.
This is my first time investing in a crowdfunding project and it will be fun to follow its development.
Pepsin je jedna crowdfunding (grupno finansiranje) platforma koja daje mogućnost da investiraš u poduzetnike i njihove firme koje nisu na berzi. Sviđa mi se ideja i sloboda koju to daje ljudima koji hoće svoje snove da ispune. Kad je izašla mogućnost da investiram direktno u Pepins onda sam uložila najmanju svotu od 30 dionica (oko 100KM).
Za zainteresovane ponuda još vrijedi i do sad je oko 960 investitora uložilo preko 70 miliona kruna (oko 14 miliona KM).
Ovo mi je prvi put da investiram u jedan crowdfunding projekat i baš će biti interesantno pratiti razvoj ove firme.