The German elections 2017/ Njemački izbori 2017

I will never forget a lesson in school, I was maybe 14-15 years and we were discussing the nazis and the right extremists and the need of dialog. Two guys asking me if I believe that one should have a dialogue with extremists. They too believed in democracy and the right that everyone should talk.
Back then I was not sure but I (still) believed that one could talk with extremists. I said to the boys that I believe everyone should get the chance. One could talk logic to them. That should make them understand.

Today, a war later, a devasted country later, a 9/11 later, many experiences later, many elections later I believe that I was so childishly naive.
Therefore I was not even surprised about the German elections. I wasn’t surprised about AFD- (the right extremists) being the winners of these elections. I was actually just waiting for it.

I have realised that talking to extremists is like talking to a wall. They don’t get it. Extremists just understand the power of violence.

Another thing I strongly start to believe in is that one should forbid this kind of parties or demonstrations.
Because it is like any PR, the more you see it the more normal it becomes. Just imagine before 9/11 how people where talking about muslims, and how they are talking today. Common people saying things that were unimaginable before 9/11.
Today, I believe that the only thing that works to change the mind of these people is to actively work already in elementary schools with very very competent special educated teachers to crush the hate in its cradle.
It is like taking out a fire in the beginning and not wait for it to become a huge forest fire.
Since, we don´t do that… I believe worse times will come.Nikad neću zaboraviti čas, bila sam nekih 14-15 godina, i diskutovali smo naciste i desničare i potrebu za dialogom. Dvojica su me pitali da li ja vjerujem da treba pričati sa ekstremistima. Oni su vjerovali u demokratiju i pravo svakog glasa, svako da priča šta hoće.
Tad nisam bila sigurna ali sam (još uvijek) vjerovala u to da se može pričati sa tim ekstremima. Rekla sam dječacima da svi trebaju dobiti šansu. Ako logićno sa ekstremima pričamo razumijeće.

Danas, jedan rat kasnije, jednu devastiranu državu kasnije, jedan 11 septembar kasnije, mnogo iskustava kasnije, mnogo glasanja kasnije vidim kako sam dječije naivna bila.
Zato, se nisam čudila rezultatim njemačkih izbora i da je Afd bio veliki pobjednik. Ja sam to očekivala.

Shvatila sam da pričati sa ekstremima da je to kao zidom pričati. Ekstremisti samo razumiju silu. 

Druga stvar u koju sam počela vjerovati je da treba ove partije i demonstracije zabraniti.
Jer je to kao i svaka reklama. Uđe ti u glavu, navikneš se, bude ti normalno.
Podsjetite se kako je bilo prije 11.g septembra kako se pričalo o npr. muslimanima, a šta se danas od prosječnih ljudi čuje. Komentari koji su bili nezamisljivi prije.

Danas, vjerujem da je jedini način da se sve ovo smiri da se već u osnovnim školama radi. Da vrlo kompetentni specijalni pedagozi rade sa djecom i da ne dopuste da se to sjeme mržnje posadi.
To je kao da ugasiš vatru na vrijeme prije nego što postane šumski požar.
Ali, pošto mi to ne radimo…vjerujem da nas čekaju gora vremena…

2017 Pag

After 3 months (with exception of some few days of being in Karlsruhe) I finally came back to Karlsruhe. During these three months I have been in the energy boosting Sweden, in Croatia and in our summer house in Bosnia. I just love the life of travelling and I believe I could travel the whole year. I wonder how that will work when I start working again :/
During this time I have experienced so many things and I have so many things to write about and I hope I will get the time for it eventually.
Greetings for now! 🙂

Nakon 3 mjeseca (sa par dana izuzetka kad smo bili u Karlsruhe) smo se napokon vratili u Karlsruhe. Kroz ova tri mjeseca smo bili u energiju-davajuću  Švedsku, u Hrvatskoj i u našoj kući u Bosni. Stvarno volim život gdje se putuje i ubjeđena sam da bih mogla čitavu godinu putovati. Pitam se samo kako će to ići kad ponovo počnem raditi:/
Kroz ovo vrijeme sam dosta stvari doživjela koje hoću da zapišem i potrudiću se da ću nađem vremena za to. Pozdrav za sada 🙂


Last time Adrian said mama I got so happy and thought this is it, but there and then he never said it again until yesterday:) He was sitting in his chair, hungry, waiting for the food and then it came mamama. I got as happy as first time but wondered if it will be like last time. But then today again he sid mamama and now I suspect that he is slowly getting the meaning of mama. In his world mama probably means food?