Last week Ensar had a workshop in Munich so we decided to go to Munich altogether. I thought I will manage to visit all my friends but it was impossible. So I am sorry for the ones I didn’t manage to meet and I hope to meet you soon. I will come to Munich as soon as I can. Here are some pictures from the week.
The most funny thing is though that Adrians first tooth came. Today his second tooth came. He is getting big very fast now 🙂
Prošle sedmice je Ensar imao kurs u Minhenu tako da smo odlučili da svi zajedno odemo u Minhen. Mislila sam da ću sve prijatelje sresti međutim nije bilo moguće. Žao mi je za one što nisam mogla sresti ali se nadam da ćemo se sresti uskoro jer ću doći u Minhen što prije mognem.
Evo par slika iz Minhena.
A usput je Adrianu prvi zubić izašao dok smo bili u Minhenu. Danas mu je drugi zub probio desno. Polako mi postaje velik 🙂