
A couple of days before departure I always have a feeling of expectation. How will the flight be ( I don’t like flying), how will the stay be, how will the weather be. Mentally I am tuned in on the trip.
When I got an email from the company that my flight has been cancelled and they “offer” a new trip for the same money…I got so angry. I had payed extra to spend as little time as possible at the most boring airport I have seen- Berlin Tegel. This with two children of which one cannot walk. The offer I got is to spend 5 hrs there? Seriously? Angry I called Travelstart that told me to call airberlin. So I did.
The girl I talked to was so nice. She booked me a flight at Friday (fr. Stuttgart but still). I cooled down and got happy I can go to Sweden.
I have to say I got surprised of how important it is with good customer service… Had it been differently, I would have never flied with airberlin again. Now, I hope I will get these tasty little airberlin chocolate hearts when finishing the trip 🙂

Picture: I got surprised when I saw that this is the flight we got booked on. Quite expensive / Začudila sam se kad sam vidjela koji let nam je zakazan. Poskupo…
Par dana prije nekog putovanja uvijek dobijem osjećaj očekivanja. Kako će let proći ( ne volim letiti), kako će biti na mjestu, kakvo će biti vrijeme itd. Mentalno sam skroz usmjerena na to putovanje, tako da kad sam dobila mail da je otkazan let dobila sam fras.
Ponuđena sam putovanje gdje moram pet sati čekati na Berlinskom aerodromu. Sa dvoje male djece nema šanse da hoću tu torturu da prođem. Nisam džabe platila više da to ne moram proći. Ljuta sam nazvala Travelstart koji su mi rekli da zovnem Airberlin. I tako sam i uradila.
Cura s kojom sam pričala je bila tako fina. Zakazala mi je let iz Stuttgarta u petak umjesto četvrtka. Jes da je iz Stuttgarta ali lakše to nego biti na aerodromu sama. Bila sam sretna da mogu ići u Švedsku.
Bila sam malo zaćuđena koliko je bitna lijepa riječ i customer service (korisnićka podrška(?). Da je bilo drugačije nikad više ne bih letjela sa Airberlin, a sada se nadam onim njihovim slatkim čokoladicama u obliku srca 🙂

Moments where you wish you where on another planet / Momenti kad poželiš da si na drugoj planeti

The other day I had one of these days where I just wanted to pack my stuff. First, Ada fell asleep in the car. Arriving home I had to wake her up and take her out of the car. Doing that I felt like waking up the demon. Ada was crying and screaming. It took us half an hour to get inside the apartment.First obstacle done.
Ada had played in the sand while being in kindergarden so she was completely covered in sand, so obviously I had to bath her.
Being in no mood for bathing she was screaming as had I put her in 10 degrees water. Anyway I managed to bath her. Obstacle two done.
Here Adrians starts crying, being hungry I fed him. During these few minutes, my dear Ada decided to do make up using only lipstick…Neki dan bijaše jedan od onih dana kad sam se samo htjela spakovati i pobjeći. Prvo, Ada zaspe u autu kad sam je vozila kući. Kad smo stigli trebalo mi je pola sata da je probudim i izvedem iz auta. Kad se probudila bila je kao da sam aždaju probudila. Plakala je, vrištala je. Čitav je komšiluk znao da se Ada probudila. Ali prođe to.
Ada je bila sva u pjesku tako da sam je trebala prvo okupati. Inače Ada to voli, ali sada…Nastavila je samo agonija vriskom i plaćem. Ali i to prođe. 
U međuvremenu se Adrian počeo javljati i za svaki momenat je sve glasniji bio da bi na kraju plakao i vrištao i on. Bio je gladan, tako da sam ga uzela nahraniti. Za ti par minuta što sam ga hranila gospođica Ada se odlučila našminkati i za to je koristila moj karmin…

So back in the bath trying to remove all the lipstick. It was taking ages.
By this time Adrian is really nervous and cries and cries. I take him and try to calm him down. He pukes! It felt like a fountain. It just molded out of the mouth…all over the floor and the wall. So disgusting, and even worse  is that I had to clean it.
In meantime Ada was sitting in her room playing. She was silent !
As I entered the room she had painted herself with her color pens. Since that wasn’t enough, she had also painted the bed sheets.
I got crazy!
These are moments when I want to run off to another planet…and then I calm down and think these are actually the moments that I will remember later. So it is just to learn to appreciate parenthood and…continue cleaning!
Tako da sam je opet morala kupati i trebala je neka vjećnost da sklonim šminku. Adrian se nije smirio iako je jeo, nego je nastavio kenkati i plakati. Uzela sam ga i prozala smiriti, nije prošlo malo kad je tako povratio. Sve je odletilo na pod i na zid pljusnulo. Meni se zgadilo, a još gore mi je bilo što sam to morala očistiti. Dok sam ja to čistila, Ada je bila sama u svojoj sobi. Tiha!
Kad sam ušla u sebu sva se izšarala bojicama, po nogoma po rukama, stomaku po postaljini. Poludila sam!
Kad se sve ovako u jednom danu sastavi onda samo poželim pobjeći na neku drugu planetu…I onda se smirim i kontam ovo su momenti koji će mi ostati u sjećanju…i nastavim čistiti za njom…


Bonding with the kids / Vezanje djecom

Ada demanded to go to the zoo on Sunday,  so I fulfilled her wish that beautiful day. The most fascinating animal- the ice bear was injured and couldn’t be seen today.
The hit today at the zoo was the ice cream(?). Can´t say children are having high expectations on me 🙂
Looking at Ada I realise how fast time is passing. She is so big, and Adrian is already half a year. Somehow it is difficult to gasp.
Anyway, we had a beautiful picnic and I hope one day she will remember it. 

Ada je danas naredila da idemo u zološki vrt, ili kako ona to kaže, u skvt, tako da sam joj ispunila tu želju. Meni najljepša i najfascinantnija životinja- polarni medo je nažalost ozlijeđen tako da ga nismo danas vidjeli. Hit dana je Adi bio sladoled, tako da ne mogu baš reći da puno traži od mene.
Kad vidim Adu ne mogu da vjerujem kako vrijeme brzo prolazi. Već je velika, a i Adrianu je već pola godine prošlo. To mi je nekako teško shvatiti.
U svakom slučaju imali smo predivan piknik i nadam se da će se jednog dana to sjećati…

Fast reading / Brzo čitanje

With the Storytel application I have until now “read”  “Sell” from Fredrik Eklund and “30 sätt att göra affärer” (30 ways of doing business). I am now onto my 3rd book “Sapiens” of Yuval Harari.
I find the idea great of having the application for listening to so many books. Now even boring house work can be done easier.
I have made a list of the books I want to “read” and I really enjoy the feeling that it is actually possible to listen to one book per week maybe two depending on how long it is. I really love it!
Today, was a big day for my little boy. He joined us in the ferris wheel. No one really asked him, but since Ensar is in Croatia I couldn’t let Ada go herself, so we took a ride all three of us 🙂Sa Storytel aplikacijom sam do sad pročitala “Sell” od Fredrik Eklund i 30  sätt att göra affärer” (30 načina poslovanja). Sad sam već na trećoj knjizi “Sapiens” od Yuval Harari.
Smatram ovu aplikaciju sa hiljade knjiga za slušanje super jer sad mogu čak i kućnog posla malo uraditi a da ne crknem od dosade 😛
Napravila sam čak listu knjiga i sad ih samo jednu po jednu planiram prekrižiti. Postalo mi je moguće barem jednu knjigu sedmično pročitati a ponekad i dvije ako nisu duge.  Predobro!
A usput, danas je bio velik dan mom malom momčiću. Pridružio nam se na ringišpilu. Niko ga ustvari nije ni pitao, ali kako mu je tata u Hrvatskoj nisam baš mogla Adu samu pustiti, tako da smo se sve troje vozali 🙂

Frankfurt Airport / Frankfurt aerodrome

My brother had the connecting flight at Frankfurt airport and was to stay there for a couple of hours giving us the opportunity to come and meet him there. It took us 1.5h to get there and I am pretty sure that some people wouldn’t travel 1.5h to meet but for me it is important that my children meet there uncles or any other family. I believe in quantity rather than quality time with family.Moj brat je trebao presjedati par sati u Frankfurtu tako da smo iskoristili to vrijeme da se sretnemo. Trebalo nam je 1.5h da dođemo do aerodroma i sigurna sam da neki ljudi taj put ne bi prelomili… pogotovo sa djecom. Ali isto tako vjerujem da je jako bitno djeci da vide dajđe i ostalu familiju. Vjerujem da je tu kvantitet bitniji od kvaliteta.

Ferris wheel / Ringešpil

Today the weather was beautiful and we decided to go to the city with the kids. At Schlosspark we saw two Ferris wheels and I decided that Ada wants to take a ride with me, so today Ada took a ride in a Ferris wheel for the first time in her life.  I didn’t think she will like it but on contraire, she loved it and I loved to see her smile 🙂

Danas je bio tako lijep dan da smo odlučili otići u grad sa djecom. U gradu smo vidjeli ogromn ringešpil pa sam odluičila da če Ada otići probati sa mnom. Tako da je Ada danas prvi put se vozila velikim ringešpilom. Mislila sam da joj se neće svidjeti, ali naprotiv pravo je zavoljela vozikanje a ja sam se topila kad vidim Adin iskreni osmijeh 🙂


I love books, but with two small kids a ton of things to do at home I hardly ever have time to read any. If I am lucky I manage to read half a page or a page, before I have to go or I fall asleep.
My sister told me thus about Storytel which is a company selling audiobooks. In general I am not a fan of listening to books because I simply have problem concentrating on the book but despite that I decided to test it.
I started with the book Sell of Fredrik Eklund. It takes 9h to listen to the book. The positive thing is that I am half way through a book, a interesting book my I say. However, I find that the reading is a little slow, I am a fast reader so I would probably be able to read the book 6 hrs if I had the time to really sit down… but I don’t which makes this a better choice than not reading at all.
There are tons of books I want to “read” in their library, so I will definitely continue with Storytel. I like the concept and I believe it will spread more which makes it interesting also as an investment in buying stocks. I have them on my watchlist for the moment.

Volim knjige, ali sa dvoje male djece i hiljadu stvari za uraditi, skoro pa nikad nemam vremena da išta čitam. Ako imam sreće pročitam usput pola stranice, možda jednu prije nego što moram ići ili jednostavno zaspem.
Sestra mi je ispričala za Storytel što je firma koja prodaje audio knjige. Inače nisam neki ljubitelj slušanja knjiga jer vrlo brzo gubim koncentraciju kad nešto drugo počnem raditi, ali sam ipak odlučila to probati.
Počela sam sa knjigom “Sell- (Prodaj) od Fredrik Eklund. Traje 9h da je poslušam. Do sad sam već prošla pola knjige, interesanta je. Međutim, malo mi sporo čita knjigu jer sam ja inače brz čitalac pa bih sigurno mogla za 6h da pročitam knjigu da imam vremena… ali ga nemam tako da je ova opcija bolja nego da ništa ne ćitam.
U biblioteci od Storytel ima tona knjiga koje hoću da poslušam tako da ću definitivno nastaviti sa Storytel. Sviđa mi se koncept i mislim da će se sve više širiti u svijetu što čini ovo isto interesantno kao investicija. Trenutno Storytel dionice držim na oku.

Munich visit / Posjeta u Minhenu

Last week Ensar had a workshop in Munich so we decided to go to Munich altogether. I thought I will manage to visit all my friends but it was impossible. So I am sorry for the ones I didn’t manage to meet and I hope to meet you soon. I will come to Munich as soon as I can. Here are some pictures from the week.
The most funny thing is though that Adrians first tooth came. Today his second tooth came. He is getting big very fast now 🙂

Prošle sedmice je Ensar imao kurs u Minhenu tako da smo odlučili da svi zajedno odemo u Minhen. Mislila sam da ću sve prijatelje sresti međutim nije bilo moguće. Žao mi je za one što nisam mogla sresti ali se nadam da ćemo se sresti uskoro jer ću doći u Minhen što prije mognem.
Evo par slika iz Minhena.
A usput je Adrianu prvi zubić izašao dok smo bili u Minhenu. Danas mu je drugi zub probio desno. Polako mi postaje velik 🙂

Update stocks April / Ažuriranje dionica april

The A&A portfolio gained 173,5 kr in dividends. The companies paying out dividends where Fast. Balder Pref, Telia, Cloetta, Sagax pref, Sagax D and SEB B. This month I reinvested the dividends plus added a little of the child benefit to buy 2 Castellum, 6 Telia, 1 Fast Balder Pref and the index fund Avanza Zero (100kr). This should add 21 kr to the end of 2017, and for 2018 it should add 42 kr to the dividends per year.
From January AA portfolio has gained 330kr dividends..

A&A portfolio je ovog mjeseca dobio 173,5 kruna dividendi. Produzeća koja su dijelila dividende ovog mjeseca su Fast. Balder Pref, Telia, Cloetta, Sagax pref, Sagax D i SEB B. Reinvestirala sam dividende u  2 Castellum, 6 Telia, 1 Fast Balder Pref i indeks fond Avanza Zero (100kr). To bi trebalo dodati još 21 kr u 2017 a 42 kr u 2018.
Slika: Od januara do sad je AA portfolio dobio ukupno 330 kr dividendi.

My portfolio:
This month Ica Gruppen, Sagax D,  Sagax Pref, Telia, Cloetta and Fast Balder Pref were paying out dividends. I got 744 kr this month. I bought 7 Telia and 2 Castellum for the money. I also bought Avanza Zero and Swedbank Robur Ny teknik fund for 100 kr each. This should add 12 kr dividends per year and another 24kr dividends in 2018.
Picture: Here another 317,5 kr should be added to, but the dividends are gained in other accounts in total 1228,5 kr in total this year.
Slika: U 2017 treba dodati još 317,5 kr dividende koje su dobivene na drugim računima ukupno sam od januara dobila 1228,5 kr dividendi.

Moj portfolio:
Ovog mjeseca su Ica Gruppen, Sagax D,  Sagax Pref, Telia, Cloetta i Fast Balder Pref isplatili dividende. Dobila sam 744 kr ovog mjeseca. Kupila sam 7 Telia i 2 Castellum za dividendu. Kupila sam isto Avanza Zero i Swedbank Robur Ny teknik fondove. To bi trebalo dodati 12 kr dividende za 2017 a za 2018. godinu bih trebala dobiti dodatnih 24 kr.





Weekend in pictures / Weekend u slikama

On Saturday I got a very nice visit from my dear friend Lejla. Unfortunately, she couldn’t stay longer but I prefer to have a short visit then no visit. Ada was so excited to see Lena again so she couldn’t fall asleep until 23h. Still she was up early next morning. That I find amazing with children.
U suboti smo imali dragu posjetu od moje prijateljice Lejle. Nažalost nije mogla dugo ostati ali preferiram i kratak vizit nego nikakvu posjetu. Ada je bila tako uzbuđena što joj Lena dolazi da nije mogla zaspati prije 23h. I unatoč tome se rano sutradan probudila. To mi je baš fascinantno sa djecom 🙂

On Sunday it was really beautiful weather so we decided to take a walk in the Zoo. We met up with a couple of friends and their kids and so Ada was really enjoying having playmates. It was really a beautiful Sunday 🙂

U nedjelju je vrijeme bilo tako lijepo da smo se odlučili otići u zološki vrt ponovo. Tamo više ne idemo zbog životinja nego zato što je stvarno lijepo za prošetati. 
Došli su i jedni prijatelji tako da se Ada pravo radovala na društvu. Bio nam je predivan dan 🙂