As you mìght know I am THE unreligious person so imagine my surprise yesterday as I was told that the whole next week kindergarten was to be closed. I love my childen BUT I am still not recovered from the everlasting serial of cold, flu, tonsillitis and so on and thus for the moment I don’t feel for spending 24/7 for a week alone with the children. I am horrible I admit. Yesterday they had a eastern breakfast at kindergarten so children could bring cakes or other things they wanted to. Ada and I decieded to make cinemon buns. Ada loves baking and it was a mother daughter moment of bonding. Kao što možda do sad već znate jedna sam jako nereligiozna osoba tako da sam se pravo iznenadila kad mi u vrtiću rekoše da su čitavu slijedeću sedmicu zatvoreni. Stvarno volim svoju djecu ali mjeseci sa prehladama, gripama, gnojnom anginom itd. su doveli da se osjećam umorno i nemam baš nikakvu volju/ snagu da po čitav dan i čitavu sedmicu sama budem djecom. Grozna sam ali samo na trenutak. Jučer su u vrtiću imali uskrsni doručak tako da su djeca mogla ponijeti sa sobom neki kolač, sok ili nešto što im se sviđa. Ada voli kuhati i praviti kolače tako da smo iskoristile taj momenat da se sbližimo..
The basket she made herself / Korpu je sama napravila 🙂
2 thoughts on “Easter surprise / Uskrsno iznenanđenje”
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Preslatke ste i predivne!Da vas uvijek sreća prati!
Hvala Laura,
lijepo je to cuti 🙂
pozdrav 🙂