A month already passed since Adrian was born. He has gained 1.2 kilos in this time. It is more than 20% of his weight. Quite impressing!
In one way it feels like he was born yesterday in the other way…no sleeping at nights it feels like an eternity.
Here is the first picture I managed to take when he smiled for real. It is quite funny how small infants without hair and teeth are cute while old people with no hair and no teeth are not really considered beauties 🙂
Prošao je tačno mjesec kako se Adrian rodio. Dobio je 1.2kg za tih mjesec dana. To je baš impresivno kad pomislim da je to više od 20% njegove kilaže!
Na jedan način se osjeća kao da se jučer rodio…a u drugu ruku se osjeća kao vječnost zbog nenaspavanih noćiju.
Evo prve slike gdje se zapravo smije što sam uspijela uslikati. Zar nije smiješno kako su mala djeca slatka iako su krezava i ćelava a stari ćelavi i krezavi nisu baš gledani kao ljepotice/ ljepotani… 🙂