I just read about a study that showed how important it is to drink water before driving a car. Even a slight dehydration can decrease the concentration and have the same impact as alcohol.
In first test men where drinking water the day before and the same day as the test drive. They made in average 47 mistakes by driving.
In the second test these men the water was restricted and they where slightly dehydrated. They made in average 101 mistakes. Just as a comparison this is the same number of average mistakes a drunk driver with a 0.8 Promille in blood is doing. So think about it next time you drive!
Upravo pročita o studiji što je pokazala koliko je bitno piti vodu prije nego sjednemo za volan. Čak i mala dehidracija može da bitno smanji koncentraciju.
U prvom testu su muškarci pili dosta vode dan prije i na isti dan test vožnje. U prosjeku su griješili 47 puta.
U drugom testu su pili malo vode i bili su malo dehidrirani. U prosjeku su griješili čak 101 put. Može se to porediti sa istim brojem prosječnih grešaka što uradi osoba sa 0.8 promila alkohola u krvi.
Tako da slijedeći put kad budete sjeli za volan prvo se dobro napijte vode!