Sometimes a person gets bad so fast. In the morning we went for a check up to the doctor and Ada was fine. 2-3hrs later they call from kindergarten telling us she has very high fever (almost 40 degree Celsius). So off to the doc again and it turns out she has tonsillitis…again. She got antibiotics and is now getting better. But it does break a parents heart seeing the child completely knocked out from the fever.
Ponekad tako brzo ide kad osoba postanje lošija. Ujutru smo otišli na kontrolu kod doktora i Ada je tad bila dobro. 2-3 sata kasnije nas zovu iz vrtića da nam jave da ima jako visoku temperaturu, skoro pa 40 stepeni. Tako da smo opet onda morali kod doktora da bi se pokazalo da OPET ima upalu krajnika. Dobila je antibiotik i sad joj je već bolje. Ali kad vidiš dijete onako malaksalo tačno se srce para.