Seeing one woman at the bathhouse in burkini it reminded me of that lately, there have been so many discussions about whether women are allowed to wear burkinis at the beach or not.
I find the discussion quite remarkable. It would be much wiser to discuss things like for example how we are going to improve the world for our children.
I find it fantastic that someone has come up with the idea to make a burkini so that women around the would actually can come and bath at public places which has been restrained until now. It finally gets women out to bath in public places.
It is quite an embarrassing discussion for Europe, especially when half the world already wears these kind of suits for years to avoid the sun burn, or when divers come in their wet suits or the chinese with their “facekinis”.
We have become so proud of and sure of our “democratic values” that we without blinking erase other people’s human rights because we feel it is not following “our standard” and thus we have the right to “protect” our way of life or even our “freedom and thus democracy”. The freedom and the democracy turns out to be the freedom only for people thinking exactly the way we think, dress exactly the way we dress, believing exactly what we believe in and so on…
Kad sam vidjela zenu u burkiniju na bazenu, to me podsjeti kako je u zadnje vrijeme bilo prilicno puno diskusija oko toga da li zene smiju nositi burkinije na plazi ili ne. Meni je ta diskusija prilicno nevjerovatna. Pametnije bi bilo da se diskutuje kako poboljsati svijet za nasu djecu.
Meni je fantasticno da je neko dosao na ideju da napravi burkini tako da zene sirom svijeta napokon mogu da se pridruze kupanju na javnim mjestima.
Diskusija sama je nekako i sramotna za Evropu, pogotovo kad pola svijeta vec godinama nosi takav outfit da izbjegnu pocrnuti. Ronioci nose ronilacka odijela koja su daleko uza od burkinija, kinezi nose svoje “facekinije” itd.
Postali smo tako ponosni i sigurni u nase “demokratske “ vrijednosti da smo bez da trepnemo drugim ljudima uskratili osnovna ljudska prava jer se ne oblace po nasim “standardima” i zbog toga imamo kao biva odmah pravo da svoj nacin zivota ili cak nasu “slobodu i samim tim demokratiju” na svaki moguci nacin “branimo”. Tako se “sloboda i demokratija” vrlo brzo pretvore u slobodu koju imaju samo ljudi koji isto misle, koji se isto oblace, isto vjeruju i tako dalje…
Facekini the new fashion for Europe? / Facekini nova moda za Evropu?
Pic / Artickle fr. here / Slika i clanak odavde
Pic fr. here