
Seeing one woman at the bathhouse in burkini it reminded me of that lately, there have been so many discussions about whether women are allowed to wear burkinis at the beach or not.
I find the discussion quite remarkable. It would be much wiser to discuss things like for example how we are going to improve the world for our children.
I find it fantastic that someone has come up with the idea to make a burkini so that women around the would actually can come and bath at public places which has been restrained until now. It finally gets women out to bath in public places.
It is quite an embarrassing discussion for Europe, especially when half the world already wears these kind of suits for years to avoid the sun burn, or when divers come in their wet suits or the chinese with their “facekinis”.
We have become so proud of and sure of our “democratic values” that we without blinking erase other people’s human rights because we feel it is not following “our standard” and thus we have the right to “protect” our way of life or even our “freedom and thus democracy”. The freedom and the democracy turns out to be the freedom only for people thinking exactly the way we think, dress exactly the way we dress, believing exactly what we believe in and so on…
Kad sam vidjela zenu u burkiniju na bazenu, to me podsjeti kako je u zadnje vrijeme bilo prilicno puno diskusija oko toga da li zene smiju nositi burkinije na plazi ili ne. Meni je ta diskusija prilicno nevjerovatna. Pametnije bi bilo da se diskutuje kako poboljsati svijet za nasu djecu.
Meni je fantasticno da je neko dosao na ideju da napravi burkini tako da zene sirom svijeta napokon mogu da se pridruze kupanju na javnim mjestima.
Diskusija sama je nekako i sramotna za Evropu, pogotovo kad pola svijeta vec godinama nosi takav outfit da izbjegnu pocrnuti. Ronioci nose ronilacka odijela koja su daleko uza od burkinija, kinezi nose svoje “facekinije” itd.
Postali smo tako ponosni i sigurni u nase “demokratske “ vrijednosti da smo bez da trepnemo drugim ljudima uskratili osnovna ljudska prava jer se ne oblace po nasim “standardima” i zbog toga imamo kao biva odmah pravo da svoj nacin zivota ili cak nasu “slobodu i samim tim demokratiju” na svaki moguci nacin “branimo”. Tako se “sloboda i demokratija” vrlo brzo pretvore u slobodu koju imaju samo ljudi koji isto misle, koji se isto oblace, isto vjeruju i tako dalje…facekini
Facekini the new fashion for Europe? / Facekini nova moda za Evropu?
Pic / Artickle fr. here / Slika i clanak odavde

Pic fr. here

Gynecomastia / Ginekomastia

Yesterday, I went swimming with Ada. It was really nice. She was diving (not holding her nose) and she has absolutely no fear of water.
Something that caught my eyes at the bathhouse this time… again… and has actually caught my eyes more often lately is that I see many young boys with breasts?? I have noticed that boys have become much thicker than a couple of years ago but now they have obtained breasts like girls get…when they are in adolescence! I find it disturbing.
I have read that to some extent that is normal, but I do not buy that suddenly so many boys have breasts at age of 9-10 years. I feel something is wrong there.  I thus talked with a friend, who´s a medical doctor, about it and he also agreed that there are more boys with breasts. He also believes that a big reason for this is the food we are eating!
We agreed that children are thicker today than 20-30 years ago. This increased fat is distributed for storage in the whole body including breasts.
The reason is probably the food we are eating!
The meat we eat today (that is not grown in ecological way) like chicken, cattle, pork and other kind of meat sources are filled with different hormones, including estrogen, to make these animals grow as fast as possible. These hormones then come into our bodies and make for sure quite an impact on small bodies that are under development.
We should take this threat seriously and this should be much more (professionally) discussed and researched about than it is today. Just to say that it is normal for a boy to have breasts when even a layman as me sees a difference at the streets is for me scaring.
For me,for a start, it seems that if one has children (or for yourself) that it is better to let them eat no meat at all, if one cannot afford ecological meat, than to give them any kind of “cheap”, mass produced hormone stuffed meat on the table. .types-or-grades-of-gynecomastiaJucer smo Ada i ja isle na bazen. Bilo je pravo lijepo. Ronila je, bez da se drzi za nos, i nikako se ne boji vode.
Jednu stvar sto sam na bazenu primjetila i primjecujem sve vise u zadnje vrijeme kako sam vise bila po bazenima je da jako mnogo djecaka ima dojke kao sto curice dobiju u pubertetu.
Citala sam da je do neke mjere to normalno, ali kad toliko djecaka ima dojke u dobi od nekih 9-10 godina meni to onda ne djeluje bas normalno.
Pricala sam o tome sa jednim prijateljem, ljekarom, koji je primjetio isti fenomen.
Slozili smo se da su djeca deblja danas nego prije 20-30 godina. Povecana kolicina masnoce se raspodijeli po tijelu i dio toga se slegne u dojkama kod djecaka.
Isto tako vjeruje da je velika vjerovatnoca da je to od hrane koju jedemo.
Npr. zivotinje koje jedimo su tovljene hormonima poput estrogena, da bi sto brze rasli. Ti hormoni ulaze u tijelo i poremete sistem tih malih tijela koji se razvijaju
Vjerujem da je ovo samo pocetak i da ove stvari profesionalci moraju puno vise diskutovati i izucavati. Reci da je normalno za djecaka da ima dojke kad i laik poput mene vidi da je znatno povecan broj ovoga kod djecaka je cisto ignorisanje situacije.
Za mene djeluje, da ako imas djecu (a i za sebe) da je bolje ne dati da jedu meso (ili bilo sta) koje nije ekoloskog porijekla nego da jedu bilo kakvo „jeftino“ meso koje je masovno producirano i puno hormona…

Life coach- importance of the values / Life coach – vaznost vrijednost

U starom postu sam pisala o jednom zadatku kojeg sam dobila kad bila kod life coacha. Bio je to prilicno jednostavan zadatak, koji se ispostavio da nije tako jednostavan.
Trebala sam napisati 10 najbitnijih vrijednosti u mom zivotu i poredati ih po prioritetu tako kako stvarno vjerujem.
Jer ako ne pratis svoje vrijednosti ili ako odskaces ili previse kompromisa radis na njima onda te to cini nesretnim i nezadovoljnim jer to nisi ti. I kako bi se dobro osjecala ako se uvijek osjecam prevarenom?
Kad sam uradila ovaj zadatak posla je diskusija sa mojim coachem (terapeutom ako hocete)
Prvo me pitala koja mi je najbitnija vrijednost.
Ja sam odgovorila zdravlje naravno.
Zasto? me pitala.
Odgovorila sam: ako si bolestan onda je jako malo stvari koje ti ostaju bitne.
Pitala me life coach onda: Ako je tako bitno sta radis u svom zivotu da ostanes pri dobrom zdravlju?
Ucutila sam se, jer nisam znala sta da odgovorim. Osjecala sam se malo glupo i sramota me bilo. Zasto? Pa zato sto, iskreno, nista nisam radila u svom zivotu da bih svoje zdravlje odrzavala sto bolje ( cak ce prije biti da obratno). Nisam mogla spavati, nisam imala energije za sport, za praviti hranu ma ni za sta.
Znaci ako cak nista ne radim za svoju vrijednost koju sam stavila pod broj 1, sta cu tek onda raditi za vrijednost koja je pod brojem 10? Osjecaj je bio kao da sam sama sebe izdala.
Meni je ovaj zadatak i ovo razmisljanje dosta pomoglo, ako se osjecate izgubljenima, probajte ga uraditi. Budite iskreni prema sebi. Ako nista daje vam mogucnost da se fokusirate na vase vrijednost sto su vama bitne i koje vama donose vise balansa u zivotu i samim mozete poduzeti tacne korake da svoj zivot ispravljate onako kako vama to najbolje pase.
Znaci tri pitanja sebi postavite 1. Sta vam je vrijedno 2. Zasto vam je to vrijedno. 3 Sta radite da tu vrijednost ispostujete toliko koliko vam je bitna?values-word-cloudSome time ago I wrote a post about a task I got to do when I went to a life coach. It was quite a simple task (that is what I thought) but it took me month and a half to write it down. I had to write down the 10 most important values in my life and make a priority which values I really really believed in. Because if you do not follow or you compromise too much on your true values you will never be really happy and satisfied. How could you if you always have the feeling of being cheated?
So having done the task I had to discuss it with my life coach.
My absolute number 1 was of course “health”.
Why? – my life coach asked.
I answered: If you are sick than there are pretty few things that are important to you.
Life coach asks me then: If that is so important to you what are you doing in your life to stay in good health?
I was quiet for a while.  She had asked a simple question that should have had a simple answer.
I didn´t know what to answer. I felt stupid and embarrassed. Why? Because, honestly, I didn´t do anything in my life to stay in good health (rather the opposite). I couldn´t sleep, I had no energy to do any sports, than I had no energy to cook proper food and so on.
So if I didn´t even prioritize the value that I had put as. number 1!!,  how would I prioritize my value number 10?
If you feel lost, try this method. At least it will make you focus on finding out your true values that will make you feel more balanced in your life.

Weekend in Strasbourg / Vikend u Strasburgu

I booked a hotel in Strasbourg as a birthday gift to Ensar. The hotel I choose is Graffalgar hotel and it was very cool because every room was designed by a different artist. We had one called Monsta, and the room was designed with wolves. The hotel was great. It was clean and not far from the old center.
Za rodjendan Ensar je dobio putovanje u Strasburg. Bukirala sam jedan jako cool hotel koji se zove Graffalgar i dosta je blizu centra. Interesantno je sto je svaka soba u hotelu dizajnirana od nekog drugog umjetnika. Nasa se soba zvala Monsta, a u sobi su bili vukovi po zidovima. Sobe su bile ciste i dorucak je meni bio dobar.

Strasbourg old town was beautiful. It had beautiful old buildings, cafées, shops and restaurants. These old towns are made so beautiful that thousands of tourists are coming just to see it. Today´s architect should maybe consider beauty also when making new quarters of same looking cage buildings that no one will want too see in 50 years.
Stari dio grada u Strasburgu je prelijep. Ima lijepe stare zgrade, kafic, prodavnicic i restorane. Ovi stari gradovi su tako lijepo napravljeni da na hiljade turista dolaze da ih vide. Danasnji arhitekti bi mozda trebali i ljepotu uzeti u obzir kad prave zgrade da ne prave samo kvartove istih, kao kavez izgledajucih, zgrada koje niko nece htjeti vidjeti za 50 godina. With child it is different to travel because it is not really like I can take Ada to museums (I would just run after her and would not see anything). Still I love to go with her because she gets so fascinated of other things then we grown ups.
We decided to take the sightseeing train, that she loved (at least a while), she also loved one of Europe’s if not even worlds oldest carousels and the boat tour was also highly appreciated.
Putovati sa djetetom je malo drugacije nego kad sam ides. Nije bas da mogu Adu po muzejima voditi. Samo bih za njom trcala i nista ne bih vidjela. Ali volim sa njom putovati jer postane fascinirana sasvim drugim stvarima nego odrasli.
Odlucili smo ici na kratki krug sa vozicem, Adi se (barem neko vrijeme) pravo svidjelo. Adi se isto svidio ringispil, koji je jedan od najstariji (ako ne i najstariji) u Evropi ili cak u svijetu. A i voznja sa brodom nam se svima pravo dopala.IMG_4227 IMG_4295IMG_4210
The bridge you see in the picture has a dark history. In former times criminals, especially the ones who had hurt (killed, raped, abused and so on) children and women, were put in an iron cage and than thrown into the water.
Most na slici ima tamnu istoriju. U davnim vremenima su kriminalce, pogotovo one koji su zene i djecu ubijali, silovali, maltretirali itd. stavljali u zeljezni kavez, kojeg su onda bacili u vodu.
Here are some of the things that I really liked and I am sure I will go back to Strasbourg for, at least, a tea.
Ovdje je par stvari sto mi se pravo dopalo i sigurna sam da cu se opet vratiti u Strasburg, ako nista barem na caj. 

IMG_4217 svart vitIMG_4342

Strasbourg Next / Strasbourg slijedeci

As I wrote previously, it is a little bit difficult to buy a gift for Ensar. I was then thinking “What is the best thing one can do and never regret”? And the answer is of course TRAVEL! So I booked a hotel in Strasbourg and hope we will have a wonderful weekend 😀
500x338_strasbourgIf you have any tips of must sees I´ll be happy to read / hear.
Kao sto sam prije napisala tesko je kupiti neki poklon Ensaru. Tako da sam kontala “sta je najbolja stvar koju mozes uraditi a nikad se ne pokajes”? I odgovori je naravno PUTOVATI! Tako da sam bukirala hotel u Strasburgu i nadam se da cemo provesti jedan super vikend tamo. 😀

So proud / Tako ponosna

I spent half the day in a kindergarten full of wild kids. I really gain respect for people working with children. I am pretty sure that must be the hardest job om earth.
Ada loved the kindergarten today. She was so proud she told me she hadn’t  even cried. I couldn’t resist but to buy her something. Thinking about it I wonder if that is good parenting? Should one buy things in moments like this or is it making children expect a gift every time they are nice? When I see Ada get so proud and so happy I would buy Ada everything I can 😀2016-09-02 12.59.322016-09-02 12.59.03Pola dana smo provele u vrticu sa divljom (sretnom) djecom. Kad to vidim onda stvarno imam respekta prema toj profesij. Mislim da je to najteza profesija koja postoji.
Ada je bila tako ponosna sto danas nije plakala u vrticu da nisam mogla odoliti da joj nesto kupim. Kad malo razmislim o tom potezu onda se zapitam ako je to biti dobar roditelj? Da li je to toliko pametno kupovati stvari u ovim situacijama ili djeca postanu razmazena i ocekuju nesto svaki put kad su dobra? Jer kad je Ada ovako fina i ponosna ja bih joj sve kupila 😀

Inspiration / Inspiracija

I have tons of things still unpacked in our, not so anymore, new apartment. They are draining me of energy and the more time passes the more it drains me. Therefore, I collected tons of energy and started cleaning up things. I finished Ada’s wardrobe and separated tons of my things I cannot wear now. It took some time but afterwards I felt even more motivated to continue. I even decided to buy a marker machine that I think will be useful.
Now the next project is to clear and make the guestroom/home office and use it for what it is supposed to be and not as a store place. I started to look at some inspiration for home offices and I always get fascinated how nice people make their homes 😀20160827_124736_1472638775098_resized
Imam tonu zapakovanih stvari u stanu jos uvijek. Sve sto vise vremena prolazi tako mi vise energije iscrpljuje. Tako da sam na kraju kad mi je pukao film izvukla tonu energije i pocela rasciscavati. Sredila sam Adinu garderobu i odvojila sam tonu svojih stvari koje mi ne mogu. Trebalo mi je vremena ali zanimljivo je kako dobijes novu motivaciju kad zavrsis sa nekim dosadnim/napornim zadatkom. Cak me toliko motivisalo da sam kupila marker masinicu koja, vjerujem, ce biti koristena.
Slijedeci projekat je rascistiti i urediti sobu za goste / biro i koristiti sobu za to za sta je i namijenjena a ne, kao sada, ostavku za stvari. Pocela sam traziti inspiraciju kako soba da izgleda i uvijek me fascinira kako ljudi dodju na ovako lijepe ideje…
