For some time I was planning to go to the light show at the castle (Badisches Landesmuseum) in Karlsruhe. It starts at 20h and ends around 00.15h. However, we happened to be in the garden of the castle waiting for Ensar to come and pick us up and he was quite late so when he finally arrived we thought we stay and watch a bit of it until Ada gets tired.
It was magical!!
I love light shows in general so I could sit and watch for hours. To have this idea what to show, which music, which effects it is all such a beautiful science.
I cordly recommend to watch this show and the best is that the entrance is free!
Neko vrijeme već planiram da odem na šou svijetlosti na palači (Badski Državni Muzej) u Karlsruhe. Počinje u 20h i traje do 00.15 h. Ada i ja smo čekale Ensara da dođe po nas ali je dosta kasnio tako da kad je napokon došao (a Ada je bila tip top budna) odlučili smo da ostanemo i pogledamo barem dio šoa.
Bilo je magično. Inače volim šouove svjetlosti i mogla bih ih satima sjediti i gledati. Samo ta ideja kako isplanirati sve, koju muziku, koji efekat. Meni je to čitava nauka. Definitivno za preporučiti a još najbolje u svemu tome je da je džabe.