These last ten days have been very intense and stressful. My grandmother died, my brother married, my father celebrated his 70th birthday and the funeral of my grandmother was today. On top of that I had a child that was really having a bad day and I think I am getting the cold. So I found it so really relaxing to take a walk with my sister and brother for the first time since we came to Balkan and just talk about things that one can discuss only with siblings. All this in one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Zadnjih deset dana su bili jako intenzivni. Majka (mamina mama) je umrla, brat se ozenio, tata je napunio punih 70. godina, a i dzenaza je danas bila. Na tom svemu mi je dijete bilo nervozno citav dan, a i mene izgleda prehlada sastavila. Tako da je bilo pravo opustajuci otici na setnju kroz Adice sa sestrom i bratom. I to prvi put otkad smo dosli na balkan da smo uspijeli odvojiti malo vremena da se samo nas troje sretnemo i diskutujemo stvari kako to samo mogu sestre i braca. I sve to na najljepsem mjestu na svijetu.