Yesterday we reached our next destination Pag. On the way we took the ferry tl the Island of Pag which was highly appreciated by Ada. First thing we did when arriving to the city of Pag was to take a refreshing bath in the sea. That must be one of the greatest things one can do after a road trip a really hot summerday. (P.s isn’t Ensars hair just too wonderful?)Jucer smo stigli na nasu slijedecu destinaciju Pag. Isli smo trajektom sto se jako svidjelo Adi. Prvu stvar sto smo uradili kad smo stigli je bilo kupanje u moru. To mora biti jedna od najboljih stvari koju mozes uraditi nakon jednog duzeg puta po velikim vrucinama. (P.s zar nije friz od Ensara predobar ?)