There is one thing one learns to appreciate when you are a parent and that is THE “me- time”. That is the time where you are entirely deciding what you want to do without a small saboteur running around and calling you every two seconds. In this moment Ada is at home with Ensar for a power nap. Meanwhile I took a cooling bath and now I am thinking about what stocks I can buy next. For me that is resting time 🙂 Jednu stvar sto naucis cijeniti kao roditelj je vrijeme kad ostanes sam(a). Kad mozes da sam odlucis sta ces bez da jedan mali saboter trckara oko nogu nonstop zivkajuci te. U ovom trenu su Ensar i Ada kod kuce. Ada bi trebala spavati. A ja sam se iskupala, i uz to imam cak vremena razmisljati i planirati koje slijedece dionice da kupim. To je pravi odmor 🙂