Up in the air / U letu

After a month and a half in Sweden, with a short trip in Iceland in between, me and Ada where again on the road…or rather up in the air.
The most important of this trip was that I have said good bye to my grandmother. I hope I will see her again, but in the bad shape she is in I do not believe I will. She is getting worse for each day and it is very depressing to see a her deteriorate. Here is one of the last pictures that I probably have with her.
Nakon mjesec i po dana u Svedskoj, sa kratkim putovanjem za Island, ja i Ada smo opet bili na putu
Najvaznije sto sam obavila ovog putovanja je da sam vidjela moju majku i da smo se mogle pozdraviti. Nadam se da cu je opet vidjeti ali tesko. Svakim danom je sve gora i gora. Deprimirajuci je gledati je kako se “raspada”. Ovo je jedna od zadnjh slika sto imam od nje. 
IMG-20160712-WA0007Last couple of days have been quite hard. Since I was leaving I had to clean the whole apartment. I had to sort out tons of things. I am still tired of that work but I feel quite satisfied having finally done it. I also cannot thank my family enough because they have been there to help me.
Ada suddenly got very calm while I was clearing up some things. I now know why…
Zadnjih par dana su bili dosta naporni. Posto idem morala sam citav stan ocistiti. Tako da smo tonu stvari sortirali i ocistili. Jos uvijek sam umorna od toga, ali sam zadovoljna sto smo to uradili. Ne mogu se dovoljno zahvaliti mojoj familiji sto su mi pomogli. 
Dok sam sredjivala neke stvari Ada se fino umirila…20160716_103210_resized
ere are some pics from the time we spent together with the family. / Par slika od vremena sto smo zajedno proveli. 

And finally a pic from our flight to Karlsruhe. We landed in Berlin- Tegel airport.  We were flying with a propeller airplane and I thought it was fun that during the flight I couldn´t see them but in the picture they could be seen.
I noticed there was a difference in service between Norwegian air and Air Berlin.  I definitely prefer Norwegian, except that me and Ada liked the chocolate heart we got from Air Berlin.
Isli smo preko Berlina-Tegel u Karlsruhe. Isli smo sa propeler avionom i zanimljivo mi je bilo da se ne vide u letu, ali kad se uslikaju onda se vide.
Dalje sam primjetila razliku u posluzi izmedju Norwegian Air i Air Berlin. Definitivno su prijatni iz Norwegian, osim sto se na kraju leta dobije ukusno cokoladno srce od Air Berlin. 

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