Last day in Iceland with rainy gloomy and pretty cold (11 degrees) weather we decided to go to the whale museum. The plan was to watch them live but many icelanders said that it makes no sense to watch wales in Reykjavik this time of the year, because the whales wander to the north of Iceland.
The whale museum itself was nicely made, but there where all just models. Although just models they were impressing and it was interesting to read about the whales.
After the whale museum we slowly finished off our Iceland trip by nice dinner (tried a mink whale steak, it was delicious) and walk around in Reykjavik. I admit here I was quite tired after all the impressions and felt that this wonderful trip went to the end.
Muzej kitova je bio lijepo uradjen. Iako su sve bili samo modeli, dobili smo osjecaj za velicinu kitova i bilo je interesantno citati informacije o njima.
Nakon muzeja smo vec bili iscrpljeni od citavog putovanja i utisaka sto smo imali i nase fantasticno putovanje u Islandu smo zavrsili tako sto smo otisli na veceru (probali smo steak od mink kita- jako je ukusno) i prosetali jos malo kroz Reykjavik…

izgleda cudesno 😀
Pa jeste 🙂 Magicno je kad si na mjestu i slusas zvukove od kitova fok gledas te morske divove 🙂