Iceland – The Golden Circle / Island- Zlatni Krug

Today, we had the Golden Circle daytour through Iceland. It was a fantastic tour with landscape we have never seen in our lives. First stop (some 10 min) was near the biggest fresh water lake Þingvallavatn. The view is beautiful, but it was so windy…at least I thought it was windy.
DSC09221 Danas sam isla sa Golden Circle tour kroz Island. Pejsaz je fantastican i vidjeliasmo prirodu koju u zivotu nisam vidjela do sad. Prvo stajanje (nekih 10 min) je bilo pokraj najveceg jezera u Islandu zvano  Þingvallavatn. Pogled je prelijep, mada je bilo jako vjetrovito… barem sam ja mislila to.DSC09204
ext stop was a visit of  Thingvellir National park at Pingvellir.  Here the two tectonic plates break apart and the land between subsides so that one can stand literally at the euroasian and the north american tectonic plate at the same time 😀

Slijedeci stop je bio na Thingvellir nacionalnom parku u Pingvellir. Ovdje se dvije tektonske ploce odvajaju a zemlja izmedju propada tako da se bukvalno istovremeno moze stojati i na evroazijskoj i sjeverno americkoj tektonskoj ploci 😀
DSC09255Althing, the Icelandic Parliament, was established at Þingvellir in 930, and remained there until 1798. Every year for a week all the chieftains came here to discuss all the new laws, some of them still valid, and to announce them so every chieftain could spread it further.

Althing, islandski parlament, je osnovan u Pingvelliru 930. g, i odrzavan je do 1798. godine. Sedmicu dana svake godine su sve poglavice dolazili da diskutuju nove zakone, neki od zakona i danas vrijede. Zakone su  onda poglavice dalje sirili.DSC09242
Criminals were either hanged or beheaded, however that couldn´t be done to women, so they were drowned. Even though being Vikings they didn´t want to get wet when drowning the women, so they even had a procedure for it. Here is the place where the drowning took place.

Osudjeni kriminalci su bili ili vjesani ili im je glava odsjecena bila. Medjutim to se nije moglo zenama raditi. Tako da su zene kriminalke gusili. Iako su to bili vikinzi nisu se htjeli kvasiti tako da je citava procedura izumljena kako zene ugusiti bez da se pokvase.
Na ovom mjestu su zene gusene bile.DSC09297

Third stop was watching the Geysers. It was so fascinating it felt like being a child. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the burst to come and when it came we were all soo happy. For all the ones that cannot see it live, I hope to be able to share it with you.
The only sad feeling was for a french girl in our tour bus that suddenly had such strong stomach aches that the ambulance had to pick her up. Seemed it was the appendicities.

Treci stop je bio kod gejzira. Bilo je jako fascinantno i osjecalo se kao da sam opet dijete. Svi su zeljno cekali da eksplodira gejzir i kad se to napokon desilo svi smo bili sretni kao djeca. Za one koje to ne mogu otici vidjeti sam snjimila da to vidite.
Jedino sto mi je bilo zao cure jedne koja je isla sa nama koju je odjednom uhvatila bol u stomaku. Na kraju je ambulanta dosla po nju. Najvjerovatnije je bilo slijepo crijevo. 

Fourth stop where the Golden falls, or Gullflossi. It was soooo windy that it was hardly possible to talk. The falls where impressive. So much power. When I saw this I really gained new respect for mother Nature.

Cetvrti stop su bili Zlatni vodopadi ili na islandskom Gullflossi. Toliko je puhalo da je bilo tesko pricati. Vodopadi su bili nevjerovatni. Tolika snaga i voda. Kad se nalazis tu dobijes novi respekt prema prirodi. Nema niceg jaceg.DSC09386

Last stop, and now I was really tired, we visited some waterfall, I forgot the name of,  and saw the iconic Iceland horse.

Zadnje stajanje, a sad sam stvarno bila umorna su bili opet neki vodopadi. Cak sam im ime zaboravila. Ali sam vidjela ikonske islandske konje.DSC09457

And finally, the finish of the day…
Na kraju, zavrsetak fantasticnog dana20160618_210947_resized

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