I sit in the train to Stockholm, totally hyped. My body is feeling like I have taken some drugs making me FULL of energy. I giggle for myself, noticing people watching me as a drunk teenager. I cannot believe I am alone without Ada to take care of. For the FIRST time. I don’t have to talk, I don’t have to explain. I don’t have to think about Ada climbing the seats, walking the isle and so on. For the next few days it is just ME and my sister. Wonderful 🙂 Osjecam se kao da sam se nadrogirala necim sto mi je toliko energije dalo da imam osjecaj da cu eksplodirati. Smijem se sama sebi, dok me ljudi gledaju kao da sam pijani tinejdzer. Ne mogu da vjerujem da sam na putu bez Ade. To mi je PRVI put. Ne moram pricati, ne moram objasnjavati, ne moram razmisljati o tome sta ce (belaja) Ada napraviti, hoce li hodati po hodniku itd. Za slijedecih par dana smo samo JA i moja sestre bitne. Fantasticno 🙂