Today, Ada told me “Ada needs shoes”. I guess she decided that she needs new shoes so we went to the city to look at some shoes. I thought by the time we arrive there, she will forget about shoes but no! She insisted to go to a shoe store and she decided which shoes she wants and after that she refused to take them off. I was amazed that a two year old child is so stubborn in such a thing. I would understand if it where chocolate or candies. But shoes? However, the shoes where cute and she did need summer shoes so I wanted to make her day better and decided to buy the shoes 😀
Danas je Ada mi je danas rekla “Adi trebaju nove cipele”. Valjda je to odlucila, tako da smo otisle do grada da gledamo cipele. MIslila sam da ce Ada zaboraviti za cipele dok dodjemo u grad…ali nije. Insistirala je da odemo u prodavnicu cipela. Kad smo usle u prodavnicu ona je za pet minuta vec odlucila koje ce i vise ih nije htjela skinuti. Nisam mogla vjerovati da jedno dijete od dvije godine moze biti toliko uporno. Haj da se radi o slatkisima I cokoladicama. To bih shvatila. Ali cipele? Kako su Adi stvarno trebale ljetne cipelice, a I bile su bas slatke odlucim da joj ipak uljepsam dan i kupim joj ih 😀
2 thoughts on “Ada needs shoes! / Adi trebaju cipele”
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ljepotica mala pravo je porasla
daa, pravo je porasla. Kad je gledam ne mogu da vjerujem da je vec tolika 🙂