These events bring back bad memories…
When I was 14 or maybe 15 I traveled abroad for the first time without my parents. I traveled to London with a choir. Back then IRA was quite active in England, which I didn´t really grasp in that time. It was just something on the news that occurred from time to time.
That day the whole choir took the metro. It was maybe even the first time I took the metro. I remember just how cool I found it to be in the metro in one of the coolest cities in the world. We reached the station where we had to get out. I remember the sky and my surprise that London was not rainy at all (I had imagined something like tropical rain there). The sky was bright blue and there where no clouds. Imagine our surprise hearing the thunder loud and clearly. Thunder we thought it was. But sadly it wasn´t.
The “thunder” was actually three blasts at the next station. Three people got killed and over hundred got hurt. One station had in my case maybe meant life or death. I´ll never forget that day. I will also never forget the relief afterwards, that I had to get out before the blasts.
My heart is with all these innocent people having been in the wrong place in the wrong moment. But I cannot get rid of the bad feeling that this is only the beginning. People get afraid and start vote for extremists not understanding that in moment like these it is even more important to cool down, and keep the humanity and respect to all people. Dogadjaji poput Istanbula i Brisela mi vrate losa sjecanja…
Kad mi je bilo nekih 14, 15 godina ja sam prvi put putovala u inostranstvo bez roditelja. Isla sam horom u London. U to vrijeme su IRA bili prilicno aktivni, mada to ja tad nisam bas razumijela. Meni je to bilo samo nesto sa vijesti, sto se sa vremena na vrijeme culo.
Taj dan je cijeli hor isao metroom. Mozda mi je cak prvi put bio da idem metroom. Sjecam se samo da mi je jako cool bilo da se nalazim u metrou u jednom on najcool gradova na svijetu. Stigli smo na stanicu gdje smo trebali izaci. Sjecam se da je vani bilo prelijepo vrijeme. Plavo nebo bez ijednog oblaka. To me cudilo jer sam zamisljala nesto poput tropski kisa u Londonu. Cula se grmljavina, sto nas je malo zacudilo jer nije bilo oblaka.
Medjutim, grmljavina je ustvari bile tri bombe koje su eksplodirale stanicu iza nase. Troje ljudi je tu poginulo i preko 100 ih je bilo povrijedjeni.
U mom slucaju moze biti da je jedna stanica metroom znacila zivot ili smrt. Taj dan nikad necu zaboraviti. Niti cu zaboraviti olaksanje koje sam osjetila kasnije…da smo morale izaci stanicu prije iz metra.
Misli su mi sa ljudima koji su ove strahove prozivjeli i dozivjeli, sto su bili na pogresnom mjestu u pogresnom vremenu.
Ali ne mogu isto tako da se rijesim tog loseg osjecaja da je ovo samo pocetak. Ljudi se prepadnu i pocnu glasati za ekstremiste koji nista dobro ne nose sa sobom. Ljudi treba da razumiju da je upravo u ovim groznim momentima jos vaznije da se smire i da sacuvaju humanost i respekt prema svim ljudima.