Yesterday, Ada and I where flying to Munich. She was great. The moment we took off Ada fell asleep. What more can one ask? AND it was her first time in her own seat 😀
Another thing that is going excellent is my Robert Friman stock. For days it is increasing in value which feels great. The only problem is I didn´t buy so many of them. Isn´t it typical. The stocks you buy the least of usually turn out to be the best ones…Maybe not for real but that is how it feels like.
Jucer smo Ada i ja letile za Minhen. Bila je super. Istog momenta kad smo poletjeli Ada je zaspala. Sta vise pozeliti? A i bio joj je prvi put da ima svoje sjediste 😀
Druga predobra stvar su moje Robert Friman dionice. Zadnjih dana su se toliko povisile u vrijednost i to se super osjeca. Jedini problem je sto ih nisam puno kupila. Zar to nije tipicno? Bas one dionice koje si najmanje ih kupio/la su te koje se na kraju pokazu najbolje… Mozda to nije stvarno tako ali se tako osjeca…