Yesterday, I was invited to a Rich Dad Poor Dad Seminar. I guess most of us have heard of this book (I haven´t read it though). I was having some expectations , like most probably they will try to sell something AND of course they did. However I didn´t expect that this was such a huge organization of trying to sell ” a better life” for everyone. Felt like the guys selling vitamins. Even though, it was interesting the story about buying and selling properties… I found it funny to listen to a professional actor talking about properties with the mindset of my sister. Except that my sister looks better than Wolfie Sweet or maybe it was Stephan (they sure look similar on the photos) AND she has been doing this property buying selling business for some years, so I guess she should change jobs and start having these presentations because mr. Sweet said he was REALLY well paid…:P
Jucer sam bila pozvana na Rich Dad Poor Dad (Bogati tata siromasni tata) seminar. Pretpostavljam da su mnogi od vas su culi za knjigu. Ja je licno nisam citala. Imala sam ocekivanja da ce probati nesto prodati (nema dzabe ni u stare babe) I naravno tako je i bilo. Ali nisam ocekivala da stoji tolika organizacija iza pokusaja da nam prodaju bolji zivot. Podsjecalo me malo na one seminare kad probaju uporno prodati vitamine. Ipak je bilo interesantno slusati pricu o prodaji i kupovini nekretnina. Meni je isto bilo smijesno slusati jednog profesionalnog glumca koji prica o nekretninama kao moja sestra, sa razlikom da je moja sestra par puta cak i kupila i prodavala nekretnine. Mozda je ipak vrijeme da mi sestra promijeni posao i pocne drzati ovakve prezentacije jer je Mr.Wolfie Sweet rekao da je jaako dobro placen…:P