I haven´t been to Barkarby outlet for years so when my dad suggested we should go there I took the opportunity. We didn´t have so much time before I had to pick up Ada but we have enough to spend some money 😛 I bought a pair of Ecco shoes with great color, a pair of Gant pants and lovely placemats from the brand Arc of Sweden. Who said shopping is not fun? Especially, when the sales are 😀
Nisam bila u Barkarby outletu godinama, tako da kad je tata predlozio da odemo iskoristila sam priliku da odem. Nismo imali puno vremena jer sam trebala po Adu, ali smo imali dovoljno da potrosimo novac 😛 Kupila sa Ecco cipele, Gant hlace i podmetace od Arc of Sweden marke. Ko kaze da nije smijesno ici u kupovinu? Pogotovo kad su snizenja 😀