My daughter has lately come into some weird phase. She wakes up in the middle of the night, and wants to play. Then she sleeps until 9.30h and then again arount 16h and finally goes to bed at 23h!!! being drop dead tired. Sleeping at 23h one would think she will sleep long in the morning but nope. At 5.00h she wakes up full of energy. At 9.00h she is drop dead tired so she sleeps until 11h. Then she plays and falls asleep around 17.40h and wakes up at 21h. Please tell me it won´t last :/
Kcerka mi je usla u neku cudnu fazu. Budi se u sred noci i hoce da se igra. Onda zaspe i spava do 9.30h i ponovo zaspe oko 16h da bi u 23h legla za laku noc. Kad zaspe u 23h povjerovala bih da ce dugo spavati, ali se probudi u 5h puna energije. Do 9h. Tad crkne od umora pa odspava do 11h. I tako je danas izdrzala do 17.40h kad je pala maltene u nesvijest u krevet. Onda se opet u 21h probudi i igra…. Nek mi neko kaze da ovo nece trajati…