Socialism for the rich ones../ Socializam za bogate

Who says Americans don´t like socialism?  They just do it a little bit differently…

The Fed has just used their politics to redistribute the prosperity from the poor to the rich. According to the “Wirtschaftswoche” the American households have a common net assets they had in 2007, before the big financial crash. This, the Fed, of course, considers as a great achievement of their unconventional money politics with 0% interest and bond purchases. Looking at it more in detail it comes up that (surprise) not all Americans could profit from this kind of politics. The majority of the Americans have substanstial loss of prosperity. Half of the Americans have 44% smaller net asset than they had in 2007. Their part of the social prosperity cake decreased from 2.5% til 1.4%.
Looking at this the Fed has actually contributed to redestribute from the poor to the rich ones . According to the facts only 10% of the Americans have really made a profit of Feds politics. The common prosperity of the richest Americans increased with 3.7% to 47 070 Billion dollars, and the part of the common prosperity “cake” increased from 71.5% to 74.2%.DR20131118cKo kaze da amerikanci ne vole socializam? Oni to samo malo drugacije praktikuju…

Fed samo koristi  politiku da “redistribuira” bogatstvo od siromasnih bogatima. Kako pise njemacki casopis “Wirtschafswoche”, americka domacinstva imaju tek sad zajednicku neto imovinu koju su imali 2007 prije financijske krize. To, FED (naravno) smatra velikim uspijehom zahvaljujuci njihovoj nekonvencionalnoj politici sa 0% kamate i kupovine obaveznica. Medjutim kad to gledas malo detaljnije vidis (ko bi rekao) da nisu svi amerikanci profitirali od Fedove politike. Cak sto vise vecina Amerikanaca imaju znatan gubitak imovine. 50% amerikanaca ima cak 44% manje neto imovine nego sto su imali prije 2007. Njihov dio od drustvenog “prosperitetkolaca” je smanjen sa 2.5% na 1.4%. Tako gledano moze se reci da je Fed cak doprinio da se bogatstva redistribuiraju od siromasni bogatima. Kad gledas faktu vidis da je samo najbogatijih 10% Amerikanaca profitiralo od Fedove politike. Njihovo zajednicko bogatstvo je povecano sa citavih 3.7% na 47 070 milijardi dolara a dio zajednickog prosperitetkolaca je povecan od 71.5% do 74.2%.

I oni kukaju o socijalizmu…pih

3 thoughts on “Socialism for the rich ones../ Socializam za bogate

  1. Odlično! Podilija san ovaj tekst na, to je jedna mreža na kojoj nekad objavin vake stvari. 🙂 Uglavnon su Amerikanci tu il zapadnjaci, pa zato. Valjda ti ne smeta. 🙂

    1. Slobodno, jako zanimljive su informacije :), A nisam jos stigla odgovoriti na tvoj komentar sto se tice Alije, nemam vremena ovih dana, cim stignem javim ti se 😀

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