Uvijek slusamo u debatama kako se sve treba privatizovati “jer nije dobro ako drzavne firme imaju monopol na trzistu” ali sta se desava iza scene se cesto zaboravi. Meni to izgleda kao oligopol, ako se moze tako nazvati igru sa 4 igraca. Kad bi izabirala izmedju korporacijski oligopolom ili drzavnim monopolom, radije bih imala drzavni monopol. Tad barem znam da bi pare isle nazad drzavnu kasu i mogle bi se koristiti za skole, puteve i tako dalje. ovdje su par dobri slika od Chris Miles koje pokazuju ko ustvari vlada svijetom… Sto se tice kontrole medija sjetila sam se jedne poslovice, ne mogu da se sjetim od koga je, koja pase u kontekstu
Jeste li sigurni da mislite ono sto mislite?
Prehrambrena industrija / Food industry
Bankarski sektor / Bank sector
We always hear in political debates about how everything should be privatized “because it is not good when the state has a monopoly on the market” but what is actually happening behind the scene is often forgotten. Here are some picture of Chris Miles showing who is really ruling the world…And to me it looks pretty much as oligopoly, if you can even call it when only 4 players are in the round. If I could decide between corporation oligopoly or public monopoly I think I would prefer the public one. Then I at least know the money will return to the state and its schools, infrastructure and so on… Regarding the control of media there is this proverb that I came to think of, but cannot remember from whom it is, that fits to the picture…