30 000 slaves in Europe / 30 000 robova u Evropi

Listened to the news today and was surprised to hear that there are 30 000 slaves in Europe. 80-90% of these are women, mostly kept as sex slaves. That means at least 24 000 women are sex slaves. Today, this  moment, this second. I wonder, what kind of a person one has to be to keep a human being as a slave. It would be interesting to see a documentary about these people because I believe as long as they exist there will be slavery.


Slušam danas radio i šokirala me činjenica da u Evropi ima čak 30 000 robova. Od tih su 80-90% žene, najčešće držane kao seksualne robinje. To znači da su u ovome trenutku, u ovoj sekundi, najmanje 24 000 žena seksualne robinje. Pitam se, kakva moraš biti osoba da bi držala tako jednu osobu robom. Bilo bi interesantno gledati neki dokumentarn o takvim ljudima, jer vjerujem dok je njih biće i robovlasništva…

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