
The kids loved it last year and they love it this year. Fabulous place for children where they can play for hours. THE famous Baltazar in Skövde. It costs only 100 kr for the whole summer so it is really a great investment where children can learn new things having fun in the same time. I was told next year Baltazar will even be bigger with more things to explore. I can hardly wait for it!

Djeca su ga prošle godine obožavala a i ove godine su bili oduševljeni. Baltazar je predobro mjesto gdje se mogu igrati satima. Košta samo 100kr za čitavo ljeto i može se reći da je investicija u djecu da se čitavo ljeto uče nove stvari dok se igraju. Rečeno mi je da će se slijedeće godine Baltazar proširiti za čitav sprat tako da će biti još zanimljivije. Jedva čekam da i to vidim!

Adrians first trip to Sweden /Adrianovo prvo putovanje za Švedsku

Today was Adrians first flight ever and typically it took ages. I actually think I’ve never travelled so long to get to Sweden. We left Karlsruhe around 12h and arrived around 19.30h . They where awake the whole journey. At home the kids where so excited so they fell asleep around 22h. Me on the other hand I am to tired to sleep and I am thinking of a lot of things. Funny thing in the end was that the last stairs where colorful:)

Danas je bio Adrianov prvi let, naravno se izdužio. Mislim da nikad nisam toliko dugo putovala za Švedsku. Krenuli smo iz Karlsruhe oko 12h i stigli oko 19.30h. Djeca su bila budna skoro čitav put. Kad smo stigli tako su bili uzbuđeni da nisu mogli spavati i tek oko 22h su zaspali. Ja u drugu ruku sam bila tako umorna da nisam od umora mogla zaspati i mnogo sam razmišljala. Bilo mi je baš simpatično vidjeti ove stepenice  kad sam trebala izaći iz metra.

Sweden here we go :) / Eto nas Švedska

Just booked the trip to Sweden. Next week me and Ada are off…It is a luxury to be able to do exactly what you want when you want it. Love it. This is the life one should have … always.  We are flying with Norwegian air despite all the crushing negative critiques that they have obtained last few months. I do have to say that I have never had any problems with them. On contrary, they have always been very helpful.

Here are pics from Ada´s first flight 🙂

flygbild 20140603_143028 adin prvi let20140603_132257

Par slika od Adinog prvog leta

Maloprije sam naručila kartu za Švedsku. Slijedeće sedmice ja i Ada odosmo… Pravi je luksuz ovako kad nam se “ćefne” otići gdje nam je volja. To je fantastično. Ovakav život uvijek treba imati.  Idemo sa Norwegian air iako su imali mnogo negativnih kritika u zadnjih par mjeseci. Ali moram reći da mi stvarno nikad nismo imali problema sa njima. Čak naprotiv uvijek su bili jako ljubazni…