Tekniska museet / Tehnički muzej

For the first time we, the kids, Ensar and I flew together. We arrived to Stockholm last  Tuesday and hoped for snow, but it was nowhere to be seen.
One of the highlights in Stockholm was the Technical museum. The kids loved it. There were so many things to explore and it is also interesting for the grown ups.  Nice to visit if in Stockholm.

Po prvi put smo djeca, Ensar i ja zajedno letili. Stigli smo u Štokholm prošlog utorka i nadali smo se snijegu međutim nigdje ga nije bilo ni za lijeka.
Vrhunac za djecu je bila posjeta u tehničkom muzeju. Toliko interesantni stvari je bilo za vidjeti…i za djecu i za odrasle. Tako da ako ste igrom slučaja u Štokholmu predlažem posjetu u tehničkom muzeju. 

Aquaria water museum / Aquaria muzej vode

The moment I heard of Aquaria water museum I wanted to visit the it and finally it happened.
There is this special frog exhibition and I thought that the kids would love it so  we went there.  Even though the museum is quite small I found it wonderful. Especially, the fabulous terrace for taking a Swedish “fika”. It is definitely something I will do again and I recommend it for families.

U tom momentu kad sam čula za Aquaria vodeni muzej ja sam htjela da ga vidim i napokon se i to desi.
Ima specijalna izložba “fantastičnih žaba” i mislia sam da će se to djeci svidjeti i tako smo i otišli.
Iako je muzej prilično mali meni se jako svidio pogotovo što imaju kafić na terasi sa prelijepim pogledom. Ovo je mjesto koje ću ponovo doći i posjetiti.

Adrians first trip to Sweden /Adrianovo prvo putovanje za Švedsku

Today was Adrians first flight ever and typically it took ages. I actually think I’ve never travelled so long to get to Sweden. We left Karlsruhe around 12h and arrived around 19.30h . They where awake the whole journey. At home the kids where so excited so they fell asleep around 22h. Me on the other hand I am to tired to sleep and I am thinking of a lot of things. Funny thing in the end was that the last stairs where colorful:)

Danas je bio Adrianov prvi let, naravno se izdužio. Mislim da nikad nisam toliko dugo putovala za Švedsku. Krenuli smo iz Karlsruhe oko 12h i stigli oko 19.30h. Djeca su bila budna skoro čitav put. Kad smo stigli tako su bili uzbuđeni da nisu mogli spavati i tek oko 22h su zaspali. Ja u drugu ruku sam bila tako umorna da nisam od umora mogla zaspati i mnogo sam razmišljala. Bilo mi je baš simpatično vidjeti ove stepenice  kad sam trebala izaći iz metra.


A couple of days before departure I always have a feeling of expectation. How will the flight be ( I don’t like flying), how will the stay be, how will the weather be. Mentally I am tuned in on the trip.
When I got an email from the company that my flight has been cancelled and they “offer” a new trip for the same money…I got so angry. I had payed extra to spend as little time as possible at the most boring airport I have seen- Berlin Tegel. This with two children of which one cannot walk. The offer I got is to spend 5 hrs there? Seriously? Angry I called Travelstart that told me to call airberlin. So I did.
The girl I talked to was so nice. She booked me a flight at Friday (fr. Stuttgart but still). I cooled down and got happy I can go to Sweden.
I have to say I got surprised of how important it is with good customer service… Had it been differently, I would have never flied with airberlin again. Now, I hope I will get these tasty little airberlin chocolate hearts when finishing the trip 🙂

Picture: I got surprised when I saw that this is the flight we got booked on. Quite expensive / Začudila sam se kad sam vidjela koji let nam je zakazan. Poskupo…
Par dana prije nekog putovanja uvijek dobijem osjećaj očekivanja. Kako će let proći ( ne volim letiti), kako će biti na mjestu, kakvo će biti vrijeme itd. Mentalno sam skroz usmjerena na to putovanje, tako da kad sam dobila mail da je otkazan let dobila sam fras.
Ponuđena sam putovanje gdje moram pet sati čekati na Berlinskom aerodromu. Sa dvoje male djece nema šanse da hoću tu torturu da prođem. Nisam džabe platila više da to ne moram proći. Ljuta sam nazvala Travelstart koji su mi rekli da zovnem Airberlin. I tako sam i uradila.
Cura s kojom sam pričala je bila tako fina. Zakazala mi je let iz Stuttgarta u petak umjesto četvrtka. Jes da je iz Stuttgarta ali lakše to nego biti na aerodromu sama. Bila sam sretna da mogu ići u Švedsku.
Bila sam malo zaćuđena koliko je bitna lijepa riječ i customer service (korisnićka podrška(?). Da je bilo drugačije nikad više ne bih letjela sa Airberlin, a sada se nadam onim njihovim slatkim čokoladicama u obliku srca 🙂

Energyboost / Udar energije

I sit in the train to Stockholm, totally hyped. My body is feeling like I have taken some drugs making me FULL of energy. I giggle for myself, noticing people watching me as a drunk teenager. I cannot believe I am alone without Ada to take care of. For the FIRST time. I don’t have to talk, I don’t have to explain.  I don’t have to think about Ada climbing the seats, walking the isle and so on. For the next few days it is just ME and my sister. Wonderful 🙂 2016-06-15 16.36.41Osjecam se kao da sam se nadrogirala necim sto mi je toliko energije dalo da imam osjecaj da cu eksplodirati. Smijem se sama sebi, dok me ljudi gledaju kao da sam pijani tinejdzer. Ne mogu da vjerujem da sam na putu bez Ade. To mi je PRVI put. Ne moram pricati, ne moram objasnjavati, ne moram razmisljati o tome sta ce (belaja) Ada napraviti, hoce li hodati po hodniku itd. Za slijedecih par dana smo samo JA i moja sestre bitne. Fantasticno 🙂

Swedish national Day / Svedski nacionalni dan

I think I never  experienced  a nicer  swedish  national  day. The weather  was perfect. The concert  was fantastic. We hade the  honour  to listen  to the royal  opera, choir  and balet  for free. There  were  activites, like trying ballerinas, painting and gymnastics, for  the children. On top  of it  all  my mother  came on a short visit. Perfect 🙂20160606_111455 zlatana120160606_133333 20160606_130140 
20160606_133221 20160606_134825 zlatanaMislim  da nisam nikad ljepsi  svedski  nacionalni  dan dozivjela. Vrijeme  je bilo perfektno. Imali  smo cast slusati kraljevsku  opera, hor  i gledati balet… i to sve bezplatno. Bilo je i aktiviteta za djecu, poput probavanje balerinki, gimnastike i crtanja. A kao kec na desetku je moja mama dosla u kratku posjetu. Perfektno 🙂

R.O.O.M in Mall of Scandinavia / R.O.O.M u Mall of Scandinavia

When I was in Stockholm I took a walk in the famous Mall of Scandinavia. I love to stroll around in interior shops in Sweden. They make simple things look beautiful. I guess that is why Scandinavian design has become so famous around the world. Here are some things that caught my eye when I was walking around in R.O.O.M. The stool is made for children and it so cute. However, I did wonder who came up with the idea and what the point was of the cuddly toys, or to be more correct, the head of them hanging on the wall like hunting trophies.

20160216_133016_resized_2Kad sam bila u Stokholmu prosetala sam kroz vec poznati Mall of Scandinavia. Kad sam u Svedskoj volim posjetiti interijer prodavnice jer uspiju od jednostavni stvari da naprave da lijepo izgleda. Vjerovatno je skandinavski dizajn zato i postao poznat u svijetu. Evo nekoliko stvari koje su mi zapele za oko kad sam bila u R.O.O.M prodavnici. Stolicica za djecu mi je preslatka. Ali sam se malo upitala ko je dosao na ideju da napravi igracke koje izgledaju kao lovacki trofej i kakva je ustvari poenta toga.  :/

Barkarby outlet in Stockholm / Barkarby outlet u Stockholmu

I haven´t been to Barkarby outlet for years so when my dad suggested we should go there I took the opportunity. We didn´t have so much time before I had to pick up Ada but we have enough to spend some money 😛 I bought a pair of Ecco shoes with great color, a pair of Gant pants and lovely placemats from the brand Arc of Sweden. Who said shopping is not fun? Especially, when the sales are 😀 20160204_163413_resized 20160204_163537_resized20160204_163346_resizedNisam bila u Barkarby outletu godinama, tako da kad je tata predlozio da odemo iskoristila sam priliku da odem. Nismo imali puno vremena jer sam trebala po Adu, ali smo imali dovoljno da potrosimo novac 😛 Kupila sa Ecco cipele, Gant hlace i podmetace od Arc of Sweden marke. Ko kaze da nije smijesno ici u kupovinu? Pogotovo kad su snizenja 😀


Flying flying flying Ada / Leti leti leti Ada

Yesterday, me and Ada arrived in Stockholm. I felt in the morning I was getting the cold but hoped for the best. The flight was super, and Ada was sleeping the whole way. Today though, I am k.o. So now I will just relax and drink tea…
Love the view when flying 😀 / Volim pogled kad letim 20160131_111156_resized 20160131_113652_resized
Jucer smo Ada i ja stigle u Stockholm. Ujutru sam osjetila kao da cu se prehladiti ali sam se nadala najboljem. Sam let je bio super. Ada je bila jos bolja. Citav put je prespavala. Danas medjutim, sam totalno k.o. Nadam seda ce sutra biti bolje. Sada me samo ceka odmoranje i dobar caj..