Economic indepence dream or reality – update stocks September/ Ekonomska neovisnost san ili stvarnost -ažuriranje dionica septembar

Is it just a dream for ordinary people or is that really a possibility? Of course reading the “right” papers, the “right” blogs or you talk to positive people that have maybe even managed to become economically independent it all makes you believe in that possibility.
On the other side if you do not believe in it, you will for sure not work for it and then it is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. It won´t happen.
I have decided to try to become as economically independent as possible and one of the things I believe in is to partly invest our money in stocks. At least it has worked for me to gain more than I have invested.
In the beginning it is a struggle and it happens little by little, because I cannot afford to invest thousands of euros but rather like 100 euro per month. On the other hand Rom was not built in one day either.
For this month I have bought 30 Sagax Pref and 2 H&M stocks to Ada´s Portfolio. This means that this should provide her additional 79,5 kr dividend per year. All the dividends will be reinvested until she turns 18, unless we need the money for some better investment.
For my portfolio I added 3 Axfood and 30 Sagax Pref. This adds 75 kr per year to the dividend. My next goal is to reach 10 000kr dividends per year. Which I´ll have to work for…

Da li je to samo san za prosječne ljude ili je to moguće?
Naravno ako se čitaju “tačne” novine, “tačni” blogovi ili pričaš ljudima koji su pozitivni i možda su čak I uspijeli u tome počneš vjerovati da je to istina.
U drugu ruku ako ne vjeruješ u to, nećeš nikad ni probati tu neovisnost jer se nećeš ni potruditi da to uspiješ. Tako reči samoispunjavajuče proročanstvo. Neće se desiti.
Odlučila sam da se potrudim da probam postati ekonomski neovisna koliko god mogu više. I jedna (od više) stvar(i) u koju vjerujem su dionice.
Meni je barem do sad uvijek to funkcionisalo jer sam uvijek dobila više nego što sam uložila.
Za početak je ulaganje u dionice borba, jer nemam velike sume od hiljade i hiljade eura da ulažem. Nego ulažem male sume (do – oko 100 €) i samim tim se pomalo pomjera. Ali ni Rim se nije napravio u jednom danu.
Ovog mjeseca sam kupila 30 Sagax Pref i 2 H&M dionice u Adin portfolio. To dodaje 79.5 kr dividende godišnje. Sve će dividende biti reinvestirane do njezine 18.e godine, t.j ako taj novac ne zatreba u bolju investiciju.
Za moj portfolio sam kupila 3 Axfood i 30 Sagax Pref. To mi daje 75 kr dodatne dividende godišnje.
Slijedeći cilj mi je doći do 10 000kr dividend godišnje. Malo po malo pa će valjda i to uspijeti.