Fonds / Fondovi

Last couple of months I have started saving in different funds. The problem I experience is that I cannot buy foreign stocks on my Swedish accounts because I do not live in Sweden and thus funds have became the only way I can diversify my portfolio towards a more global spread. But also, I do not have the time to check separate stocks and I feel that a fund is a good way to get stocks that I like.
I decided on funds that are not having a very high management fees (except the Ny teknik -fund that has it). Having these funds I actually get access to companies like Alibaba, Samsung , Alphabet (Google), FB, Investor and so on.

So the funds I am regularly buying are (management fees in %):

  • SEB Sverigefond (1.4%),
  • Spiltan Aktiefond Investmentbo (0.27%),
  • Swedbank Robur Access Asien (0,2%),
  • Swedbank Robur Access Global (0,27%),
  • Swedbank Robur Ny teknik (1,36%) and
  • Spiltan räntefond Sverige (0,24%).

The Räntefond is a bond fund that I hope will be a little like an airbag in case of a stockmarket crash.

Funny now, when making this list I noticed that I am buying the wrong fond SEB Sverigefond instead of SEB Sverige Indexfond that costs 0.42% in management fee instead of 1.4%, but also I should probably start relocating some of the savings to the more stable bond funds.
The minimal sum of investing is 10 Euro and there is no brokerage fee when buying funds (in Sweden).
These are also not a recommendation but everyone has to make their own choice of which stocks or funds to buy.

Here is a fun page where you can enter how much money you save and the effect of the compound effect has on your saving.

Posljednih par mjeseci sam počela štediti u različite fondove. Problem koji doživljavam jeste da ne mogu kupovati inostrane dionice na mojim švedskim računima, jer ne živim u Švedskoj i stoga su fondovi postali jedini način na koji mogu diverzifikovati moj portfolio da bude više globalnog izgleda. Odlučila sam kupovati fondove koje nisu skupe u menedžmentu fonda (osim Ny teknik fond). Imajući ove fondove, imam udio u firme poput Alibaba, Samsung, Alphabet (Google), FB, Invesor i tako dalje. Dakle, sredstva koja redovno kupujem su (naknade za upravljanje u %):

  • SEB Sverigefond (1.4%),
  • Spiltan Aktiefond Investmentbo (0.27%),
  • Swedbank Robur Access Asien (0,2%),
  • Swedbank Robur Access Global (0,27%),
  • Swedbank Robur Ny teknik (1,36%) and
  • Spiltan räntefond Sverige (0,24%).

Räntefond je kamatni fond koji (se nadam) treba biti poput airbaga u slučaju pada na berzi.

Smiješno, sad vidim kad sam pisala listu da kupujem pogrešan fond!  SEB Sverigefond, koji košta 1.4%,  umjesto SEB Sverige indexfond koji košta 0,42% godišnje. Najvjerovatnije bih trebala početi prebacivati neke štednje u stabilnije kamatne fondove.
Najmanji ulog za kupovinu fondovoa je 100 kr (ca. 10 eura) i nema courtage koštanje, zato je dobro redovno štediti u fondovima.
Ovo nisu prijedlozi nekome za kupovinu, nego samo fondovi koje ja sama kupujem. Svako mora za sebe odlučiti šta će i ako će kupiti.

Ovdje možete da izračunate koji udar ima kamata na vašu dugoročnu štednju.

Robert Friman International

This must have been the stock that I could have earned most money on among my stocks and where the psychology of human mind is so clear to see. For a while I was 180% plus. It looked good and I wanted more. So when the course started to go down I waited and waited thinking of it as just a period and it will get better again. I had the plan to keep them for 5 years.
But I didn’t!
Suddenly, there was a pm that there might be a problem with tax declaration. The stock dived from having been on + 30% or 40% of my invested money, I was suddenly -30% down. I was annoyed because it gives you a sour taste having been +180 and now being -30%.
I started to follow it more closely. It was pending a lot and suddenly one day it was again +25%on my account. I decided to sell it off, but my phone had a mental breakdown and refused to cooperate. From +25% the order came through and I sold it off for +5%. ( I sold them for 6.10kr) .
First I felt annoyed because I had missed the opportunity, but then I felt relieved… it is never fun to loose money. The reason is that I had said to my self that when a profit is so high as 180 % than it is better to take out the invested money + 10% and then the rest is used for playing around. Well, I didn’t listen to myself. I have to read more about market psychology.
But it is not the end of the story!
NO, I had forgotten about these stocks and wanted to see what happened in the with the tax declaration- The former Vice Director was sentenced 1.5 year prison for gross tax breach.
And people say stocks are boring…

Ovo je bila dionica na koju sam najviše mogla zaraditi od svih mojih dionica i gdje je toliko očigledno kako ljudski mozak funkcioniše. Jedno vrijeme sam bila čitavih 180% u plusu. Naravno pohlepa je tu bila i htjela sam još. Kad je kurs počeo padati čekala sam i mislila sam proće nakon nekog vremena. (Planirala sam ih 5 godina držati).
Međutim, nije pad stao!
Odjednom, dođe raport da može postojati problem sa deklaracijom poreza. Dionice su potonule od +30% -40% na investiranim novcem, i sad sam odjednom bila 30% u minusu. Bila sam iznervirana jer je kisel ukus biti od 180% u plusu na minus 30%.
Počela sam da pratim ove dionice i odjednom jednog dana skočiše na +25% na računu. Odlučila sam ih prodati, ali je moj telefon doživio nervni lom tako da je prestao raditi. Od 25% plusa je prodaja mojih dionica prošla na 5% plusa. (Prodala sam ih za 6.10kr) .
Prvo sam bila iznervirana što sam “samo” 5% zaradila, ali je poslije došao osjećaj reljefa (? mislim da se tako zove na našem).
Bila sam malo iznervirana zato što sam sebi x puta rekla kad je bilo na 180% plus da prodam ulog plus 10% i ostalo nek bude kako bude. Ali pohlepa je teška, uvijek hoće više, tako da nisam sama sebe slušala. Moraću više o psihologiji na berzi čitati.
Ali nije ovo kraj priče.
Kako sam prodala ove dionice, onda ih nisam neko vrijeme pratila i sjetim ih se pa rekoh da vidim šta se desilo sa poreznom deklaracijom. Bivši direktor je dobio 1.5 g zatvora zbog prevare porezom….
I ljudi kažu da su dionice dosadne…


Update stocks April / Ažuriranje dionica april

The A&A portfolio gained 173,5 kr in dividends. The companies paying out dividends where Fast. Balder Pref, Telia, Cloetta, Sagax pref, Sagax D and SEB B. This month I reinvested the dividends plus added a little of the child benefit to buy 2 Castellum, 6 Telia, 1 Fast Balder Pref and the index fund Avanza Zero (100kr). This should add 21 kr to the end of 2017, and for 2018 it should add 42 kr to the dividends per year.
From January AA portfolio has gained 330kr dividends..

A&A portfolio je ovog mjeseca dobio 173,5 kruna dividendi. Produzeća koja su dijelila dividende ovog mjeseca su Fast. Balder Pref, Telia, Cloetta, Sagax pref, Sagax D i SEB B. Reinvestirala sam dividende u  2 Castellum, 6 Telia, 1 Fast Balder Pref i indeks fond Avanza Zero (100kr). To bi trebalo dodati još 21 kr u 2017 a 42 kr u 2018.
Slika: Od januara do sad je AA portfolio dobio ukupno 330 kr dividendi.

My portfolio:
This month Ica Gruppen, Sagax D,  Sagax Pref, Telia, Cloetta and Fast Balder Pref were paying out dividends. I got 744 kr this month. I bought 7 Telia and 2 Castellum for the money. I also bought Avanza Zero and Swedbank Robur Ny teknik fund for 100 kr each. This should add 12 kr dividends per year and another 24kr dividends in 2018.
Picture: Here another 317,5 kr should be added to, but the dividends are gained in other accounts in total 1228,5 kr in total this year.
Slika: U 2017 treba dodati još 317,5 kr dividende koje su dobivene na drugim računima ukupno sam od januara dobila 1228,5 kr dividendi.

Moj portfolio:
Ovog mjeseca su Ica Gruppen, Sagax D,  Sagax Pref, Telia, Cloetta i Fast Balder Pref isplatili dividende. Dobila sam 744 kr ovog mjeseca. Kupila sam 7 Telia i 2 Castellum za dividendu. Kupila sam isto Avanza Zero i Swedbank Robur Ny teknik fondove. To bi trebalo dodati 12 kr dividende za 2017 a za 2018. godinu bih trebala dobiti dodatnih 24 kr.





Update stocks February 2017 / Azuriranje dionica februar 2017

This month has been quite disappointing. I have been sick the whole time and as that wasn’t enough Ada was also spending most of her time at home instead of kindergarten.
Thus, I had no time or energy to check or buy any stocks this month. This gives me a reminder of  the importance of saving. Despite feeling crap having the flu or tonsillitis for months, these are still not such bad diseases. I cannot even imagine the feeling of black hole when something really serious happens.
So even if doing nothing  I got 37.5 kr in dividends from Dividend Sweden, and also got 750 subscription rights (I think it is called) or in this case they called them units. I am not 100% sure what that is so I´ll have to read more about it.
In A&A portfolio I just bought Avanza Zero fund for 100kr. I hope now with a new month new energy comes.Ovaj mjesec je bio tako deprimirajući meni. Ne samo što sam ja bila bolesna čitav mjesec nego je i Ada više vremena provodila kod kuće nego u vrtiću. Samim tim niti sam imala vremena da čitam, niti da pišem, niti da se angažujem oko ićega pa čak ni u dionice.
Ovo me dovelo da počnem razmišljati o tome koliko je bitna štednja. Iako sam bila bolesna mjesecima, to nije neka teža bolest bila (meni je moja najteža da se zna), ali zamislite da je nešto stvarno ozbiljno. Ne mogu ni da zamislim tu crnu rupu osjećaja ili čak ekonomsku.
Iako ništa nisam ovog mjeseca radila dobila sam 37.5 kr dividendi od Dividend Sweden, i isto tako sam dobila nekih 750 units što nisam do sada nikada dobila, i nemam iskreno pojma šta je. Moraću malo pročitati i vidjeti šta je.
U A&A portfoliu sam samo kupila Avanza Zero fond za 100kr.
Sad kad smo ušli u novi mjesec stvarno se nadam da ću dobiti malo više energije i ići u nove pobjede.

2016 summary of our portfolio/ 2016 Ažuriranje naših portfolia

It is really motivating me to see how perseverance in doing one thing slowly takes you towards the set goal. My ultimate goal (when it comes to stocks) is to get 100 000kr dividend per year. Next goal is to get 5000 kr and then 10 000kr dividends per year.
Last year we had in total (Ada´s + my portfolio) a total of 783 kr.
This year we had in total 2373 kr. Some stocks are in Swedbank account so you cannot see them here. This year the sum will increase because I have bought stocks with respect to their dividends and they are distributing them mostly in the beginning of the year. Already now, doing nothing, the sum should be around 3000kr. All of the money will be reinvested.

Dividend month / Stock Zlatana Ada
Sagax Pref x x
Sagax D x x
Fast. Balder Pref. x x
Axfood x x
Sagax Pref x x
Sagax D x x
TeliaSonera x x
Fast. Balder Pref. x x
Cloetta B x
ICA-Gruppen x
Intrum justitia x
Acando  B x
Mycronic x x
Björn Borg x
H&M x x
investor x
Sagax Pref x x
Sagax D x x
Fast. Balder Pref. x x
Sagax Pref x x
Sagax D x x
Fast. Balder Pref. x x

Meni je baš motivirajući vidjeti kako upornost u jednoj stvari polako ali sigurno vodi prema postavljenom cilju. Moj glavni cilj (što se tiće dionica) je da dobijem 100 000 kr dividende godišnje. Slijedeći cilj sada je uspijeti dobiti 5000 kr pa onda 10 000kr godišnje.
Prošle godine smo ja i Ada ukupno dobile 783 kr dividende. Ove godine smo dobile 2373 kr. Neke su dionice na Swedbank računu tako da se ovdje ne vidi. Ove godine će se suma dividendi povećati jer sam kupovala dionice koje dobru dividendu dijele. Već bi sada, ako ništa ne uradim, trebala dobiti oko 3000kr dividende ove godine. Svu sumu planiram da reinvestiram u nove dionice.

November – stock updates / novembar -ažuriranje dionica

First month having two children has passed and I have been thinking of their future and their savings. I decided to make one portfolio for the children, instead of separated accounts, because it feels more fair to share the stocks at two at a given point than having to portfolios where one maybe is very good and the other is bad.
So Ada´s and Adrian´s portfolio was updated with 5 Axfood, 10 Cloetta B and 2 Sagax D stocks. This adds 34 kr (incl. tax) to the dividend per year. The dividends will be reinvested until Ada´s and  Adrian´s time comes to inherit these stocks.
My portfolio was updated with 9 Axfood, 5 of a new stock – the Intrum Justitia and 42 Sagax D. This adds to some 170 kronor per year.
As I said previously I have a dis-balance in the different areas that I have invested in which makes quite big fluctuations once one of these stocks goes up or down.
To avoid that I am thinking of which stocks to buy. I would be interested in some that have something to do with water so if anyone knows any stocks I would be interested to hear about itaktie-december-2016Prvi mjesec sa dvoje djece je prošao i razmišljala sam malo o njihovoj budućnost I štednji. Odlučila sam da ipak samo jedan račun imam za njih dvoje. Osjeća se malo poštenije u slučaju da jednom padne vrijednost dionica a drugom se dignu. Ovako djele na dva.
U novembru mjesecu sam u dječiji portfolio kupila 5 Axfood, 10 Cloetta B i 2 Sagax D dionice. Ovo ukupno daje 34 kr (sa porezom) dividende godišnje.
Dividende će I dalje biti reinvestirane u nove dionice dok ih ne budu djeca dobila.
Za sebe sam kupila 9 Axfood, 5 Intrum Justitia I 42 Sagax D. Ovo dodaje oko 170kr (sa porezom) godišnje.
Kao što se vidi dosta je velik disbalans u raznim tržištima koje imam što dovede do velikih promjena ako jedna od dionica padne/ naraste.
Da bih to izbjegla razmišljam koje bih još dionice kupila. Zanimaju me neke što imaju veze sa vodom, tako da ako znate bila bih zainteresovana da čujem o tome.

Update my stocks October / Ažuriranje mojih dionica Oktobar

Looking at the diagram I for sure must get more even weighting of my portfolio regarding the exposure to different markets. For now, I find the food market interesting and it is s one of the markets I believe will increase with time. Even if people until now have payed lesser and lesser part of their total salary for food I do believe that food will get more expensive, (hopefully because of better quality and higher interest for better food quality among common people).
Maybe even the climate change will make an impact and we won´t get as “cheap” food as we have today. I hope not, but it is a realistic scenario. In any case I bought a couple of Axfood stocks hoping for additional dividends.
Another stock I have bought this month is the Sagax D. I decided to join the new emission of the stocks offered to the owners and received 24 Sagax D meaning additional 48 kr dividends per year.
l also joined the offer Avanza gave where one could ask for minimum 400 stocks but do not know whether I will get some or not.
I honestly have no idea if that is a good buy but for now I hope that if I get these stocks I will get 2 kr dividends / per stock additional per year.
That is a step towards my goal of having 10 000 kr dividends per year..
Slowly but surely 😀
Kad sam vidjela diagram mog (našeg) portfolija primjetila sam da trebam malo bolje izvagati dionice prema raznim tržištima!
Jedno od tržišta u koje vjerujem je tržište hrane i mislim da će se povećati vremenom. Iako sada dosta mali dio plate plaćamo za hranu (na zapadu) vjerujem da će se cijene i kvalitet povećati jer ljudi postaju osjetljiviji i hoće bolji kvalitet hrane a i spremni su platiti za to. Na to još dođe da možda promijene klime dovedu do manjka hrane i možda i zbog toga poskupi. Ne znam, vidjećemo. Uglavnom kupila sam nekolike Axfood dionice.
Druge dionice koje sam kupila su Sagax D. Prihvatila sam ponudu koju su dobili vlasnisi Sagax dionica i kupila sam (dodijeljena sam) 24 Sagax D dionice. To znači do 48kr dodatno dividende godišnje.
Prijavila sam se i na program od Avanze gdje se potpisuje za minimalno 400 dionica. To ne znači da ću ih moći kupiti nego može biti da ih isto tako samo 50 dionica dobijem dodijeljeni.
Iskreno, nemam pojma je li ovo dobra kupovina ali se nadam da ću sa tim dodati još 2kr/ dionici dividende godišnje. To je jedan korak prema mom slijedećem cilju da primim 10 000 kr dividende godišnje. Polako ali sigurno 😀

Émile Zola – Money / Émile Zola – Novac

‘The irresistible power of money, a lever that can lift the world. Love and money are the only things.’

The unscrupulous Saccard builds up a new bank with the only goal to increase the stock price. People start buying stocks when they notice the prices are rising not knowing why the price is ricing. Most people also fall in love with there stocks. They start counting the value of the rising prices and they dream about what they will do with that much money once they sell them.
However, when is the time to sell? When is it enough? How much do they really have? When will the system break down?
A fantastic book describing how greed can catch anyone no matter young or old, poor or rich. Everyone wants the rich sweet life with fast money…
Emile Zola wrote about the stock market and the greed of people from his time but the same greed and feelings are involved today in our economic system. A book well worth“Neodoljivi moć novca, poluga koja može podići svijet. Jedine stvari koje to mogu su ljubav i novac.’

Beskrupulozni Saccard gradi novu banku, s jedinim ciljem, da poveća cijenu dionica. Kad ljudi primjete da cijena dionica samo raste počinju da ih ludo kupuju iako ne poznaju razlog rasta.
Većina ljudi se zaljubljuju u svoje dionice. Počinju računati vrijednost dionica i koliko će zaraditi štame šta će raditi sa toliko para kad ih prodaju. Ali kad je vrijeme za prodaju? Kada je dovoljno novca za život? Da li je ikad dosta? Kada će se sistem srušiti?

Fantastična knjiga koja opisuje kako pohlepa može uhvatiti svakoga bio mlad ili star, siromah ili bogat. Svi hoće bogat sladak život brzim novcem. Emile Zola je pisao o tržištu dionica i pohlepa ljudi iz njegovog vremena, ali je tako dobro pisana da se jedan na jedan može prenijeti u današnje dane. Knjiga definitivno vrijedna čitanja.

Economic indepence dream or reality – update stocks September/ Ekonomska neovisnost san ili stvarnost -ažuriranje dionica septembar

Is it just a dream for ordinary people or is that really a possibility? Of course reading the “right” papers, the “right” blogs or you talk to positive people that have maybe even managed to become economically independent it all makes you believe in that possibility.
On the other side if you do not believe in it, you will for sure not work for it and then it is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. It won´t happen.
I have decided to try to become as economically independent as possible and one of the things I believe in is to partly invest our money in stocks. At least it has worked for me to gain more than I have invested.
In the beginning it is a struggle and it happens little by little, because I cannot afford to invest thousands of euros but rather like 100 euro per month. On the other hand Rom was not built in one day either.
For this month I have bought 30 Sagax Pref and 2 H&M stocks to Ada´s Portfolio. This means that this should provide her additional 79,5 kr dividend per year. All the dividends will be reinvested until she turns 18, unless we need the money for some better investment.
For my portfolio I added 3 Axfood and 30 Sagax Pref. This adds 75 kr per year to the dividend. My next goal is to reach 10 000kr dividends per year. Which I´ll have to work for…

Da li je to samo san za prosječne ljude ili je to moguće?
Naravno ako se čitaju “tačne” novine, “tačni” blogovi ili pričaš ljudima koji su pozitivni i možda su čak I uspijeli u tome počneš vjerovati da je to istina.
U drugu ruku ako ne vjeruješ u to, nećeš nikad ni probati tu neovisnost jer se nećeš ni potruditi da to uspiješ. Tako reči samoispunjavajuče proročanstvo. Neće se desiti.
Odlučila sam da se potrudim da probam postati ekonomski neovisna koliko god mogu više. I jedna (od više) stvar(i) u koju vjerujem su dionice.
Meni je barem do sad uvijek to funkcionisalo jer sam uvijek dobila više nego što sam uložila.
Za početak je ulaganje u dionice borba, jer nemam velike sume od hiljade i hiljade eura da ulažem. Nego ulažem male sume (do – oko 100 €) i samim tim se pomalo pomjera. Ali ni Rim se nije napravio u jednom danu.
Ovog mjeseca sam kupila 30 Sagax Pref i 2 H&M dionice u Adin portfolio. To dodaje 79.5 kr dividende godišnje. Sve će dividende biti reinvestirane do njezine 18.e godine, t.j ako taj novac ne zatreba u bolju investiciju.
Za moj portfolio sam kupila 3 Axfood i 30 Sagax Pref. To mi daje 75 kr dodatne dividende godišnje.
Slijedeći cilj mi je doći do 10 000kr dividend godišnje. Malo po malo pa će valjda i to uspijeti.

August update of our portfolios / August azuriranje nasih portfolija

Usually during the summer the stock market gets calmer and the prices fall a little bit making it possible to buy some stocks for a cheaper price. However, this year it seams that nothing is like it usually is.
Still I couldn´t resist but to buy a couple of Investor and Axfood stocks, adding to approximately 75 kr dividends per year to Ada´s portfolio. This feels (is) like a small sum, but I plan to give her this portfolio in 18-20 years so this sum will hopefully increase each year because I plan to reinvest this money in new stocks.
Ada august antal aktier Ada august värde aktier
For my portfolio I added 3 H&M, 8 Mycronic, 3 Axfood and 20 Sagax Pref adding some 96 kronor dividend per year. Looking at these sums you see it is not much but one should never underestimate the small savings. All the dividends I plan to reinvest so let´s see where this journey takes us… august antal aktieraugust value aktier
Obicno kad je ljeto dionice padnu i postaje mirnije na berzi, sto daje mogucnost da kupim par jeftiniji dionica. Medjutim ove godine se cinilo cak naprotiv. Iako tako, nisam mogla odoliti a da ne kupim par dionica od Investora i Axfood, sto dodaje otprilike 75 kr dividendi godisnje Adinom portfoliju.
Cini se malom sumom, ali planiram joj predati ove dionice za nekih 18-20 godina tako da se nadam da ce se do tad akumulirati sume. Planiram dividende da reinvestiram u dionice.
Za moj portfolio sam kupila 3 H&M, 8 Mycronic, 3 Axfood i 20 Sagax Pref koje ukupno dodaju 96 kr dividendi godisnje. Naravno kad gledam ove sume cine se malim ali ne treba nikad podcjeniti moc malih stednji. I ovdje isto planiram sve dividende da reinvestiram u dionice. Vidjecemo gdje nas vodi ovaj put…