Vacation / Odmor

I must say that I am quite privileged having the possibility to spend so much time on vacation. Of course I know also that it is a traditional “Frauenfalle” as the Germans would say. A woman trap when staying at home with the kids. However that subject I will write about another time. Now I just enjoy knowing that I could visit my family in Sweden, meet them in Bosnia and Croatia. We have had great time in Bosanska Krupa and Crikvenica and to the end in Pag. 
After travelling in these places I have been reminded of the impact nationalism and egoism have on these countries. I have had so many themes to talk about that I believe I could write a book. However, in time I maybe even write about it 🙂

Moram reći da imam prilično veliku privilegiju da mogu toliko dugo provesti na odmorima, ili bolje reći putovanjima. Ako je odmor putovati sa djecom to je već druga tema. Uglavnom znam isto tako da je to tipična zamka za žene da budu toliko dugo kod kuće sa djecom, ali to je tema za drugi put. Za sad samo uživam u tome da sam mogla sresti familiju i u Švedskoj i u Bosni i u Hrvatskoj. Bilo nam je baš onako lijepo u Bosanskoj Krupi, Crikvenici i na kraju na Pagu.
Nakon ovih putovanja sam isto podsječana na to šta nacionalizam i egoizam mogu da urade ovim državama. Toliko imam tema o kojima mogu pričati i pisati da mislim da bi bila u stanju knjigu napisati. Ko zna, možda nekada budem o tome nešto i napisala 🙂


Since, Ensar was supposed to have two weeks off from work we decided to go to Crikvenica despite not being here in high season.
I was a little bit sceptical to going there in the beginning but the weather turned out to be fabulous making me wonder why there are so few tourists here.
Actually, I do not wonder I know (that would be another post though) but I can say this much, the weather during the day is around 23-25 degrees, sunshine and a little bit windy from time to time. It is absolutely perfect for taking walks, drinking coffee, wine and eating out. I find it perfect with kids also, because the sun is not too strong and one doesn’t have to keep the kids indoors from 12 to 15h (usually longer) as in high season in the summer.
Unfortunately, despite being here Adrian is not recovering and has quite a bad cough and fever. Thus, tomorrow we are going to the specialist clinic of respiratory diseases located here in Crikvenica to see that his cold is not going down to the lungs.
Today, while Ensar was showering Adrian and I was looking for his clothes Ada took a knife and wanted to cut the cucumber in pieces ending by cutting herself in the hand. That was her first cut and she got so scared she cried and cried and it was hard time to calm her down. Finally, after three stories she fell asleep.

Pošto je Ensar dobio slobodno dvije sedmice odlučili smo otići u Crikvenicu iako nije udarna sezona. Bila sam malo skeptična da idem na more u ovo doba ali ispalo je predobro. Vrijeme je fantastično, što me dovede da se pitam zašto nema već sada turista, ali ustvari znam već odgovor tog pitanja, ali to je za drugi post (ako ga ikad napišem).
Vrijeme je kao što sam rekla, fantastično. Između 23-25 stepeni, sunce i ponekad malo puše. Perfektno je za šetnje, pijuckanje kafa, vina i ručanja vani. Smatram da je perfektno i za djecu isto, jer sunce nije toliko jako da ih moraš zatvoriti između 12-15h (obično duže) kao što je slučaj ljeti.
Nažalost, iako smo ovdje Adrian se nije oporavio i fasovao je da gadno kašlje a i temperatura ga nije prošla. Zato sutra idemo u specialist klinici za respiratorijske bolesti pa ćemo vidjeti da kontrolišu Adriana da mu nije prehlada otišla na pluća.
Danas, dok je Ensar tuširao malog a ja tražila nešto da obuče Ada je iskoristila momenat da uzme nož za mazanje, i da isjecka krastavac. Nažalost nije joj dobro išlo tako da se prilično gadno posjekla i kad je vidjela krv prepala se pa smo imali problema da je smirimo i pripremimo za spavanje. Ali nakon tri pričice uspijela sam je smiriti i napokon je zaspala.

2017 Crikvenica

Our first stop in our vacation happened to be Crikvenica. We didn’t plan a long stay but we stayed for almost a week. Problem is, when I see my nephew and niece play with my kids I melt. I really really miss them and I love to see how Ada is playing with them. My mother was with us so it was full house and chaos but I guess that is always the case with kids.
It was also really nice to see an old childhood friend that I haven’t met for years.
We really loved to be in Crikvenica but after a couple of days we headed further to Pag. 

Prvo stajanje kad smo krenuli na odmor je bilo u Crikvenici. Nismo planirali ostati dugo, ali se produzilo i ostali smo skoro sedmicu. Problem je, sto kad vidim sestrinu djecu kako se igraju sa mojom ja se topim. Bas mi nedostaju i volim gledati kad se Adom igraju. Moja mama je isto bila tu tako da je bila puna kuca i dosta haosa sto je obicno sa toliko djece u pokretu.  Bilo je isto jako lijepo vidjeti jednu staru prijateljicu iz djetinjstva koju nisam par godina vidjela. Nakon Crikvenice smo otisli na Pag.


On the way to Pag, we managed to arrive to Crikvenica before Ada had her burst out and wanted to get out of the car. So we decided to stay here for the night.
The first thing she said was that she wants to see the sea and then when saw it she immediately jumped into the water to (and we did arrive quite late around 20.30-21.00 h) . She really loves water and has  wonderful laugh when she plays. I get overflown by happiness when I watch her being so childishly happy while playing in the water.20160726_195713_resized 20160726_200603_resized Na putu prema Pagu uspijeli smo doci do Crikvenice kad je Ada dobila mali ispad energije i nije vise htjela sjediti u autu. Izasli smo i prvo sto je Ada uradila je rekla da hoce da “ode na more” i otisla do vode i pocela se brckati, a prilicno smo kasno dosli (20.30-21h). Preplavi me sreca kad je vidim kako bude djeciji sretna kad se kupa.20160726_201840_resized

Munich (Crikvenica ) / Minhen (Crikvenica)

Since, Ada had some bad days with fever above 40 degrees Celsius my husband felt more comfortable that me and Ada join him to Munich for some Days. We have now safely reached Munich, so if anyone wants to go for a coffee call me! Before leaving Crikvenica I just had to make a profile picture of Ada. It is quite impressive how fast that guy is. In 30 seconds he finished of Ada´s profile. Quite cute, even though he fixed her “Rudi Völler”- haircut…20150729_202609 20150731_171029

Kako je Ada bila bolesna sa temperaturama preko 40 stepeni, moj muz se osjecao sigurnijim da odemo svi zajedno u Minhen pa da se Ada prvo malo oporavi prije nego sto odemo u Bosnu. Sigurno smo stigli u Minhen, tako da ko je za kafu nek se javi!  Prije nego sto smo krenuli iz Crikvenice naisli smo na ovog ciku sto za 30 sekundi izjece profil iz papira. Jednostavno sam morala napraviti jednu takvu sliku za Adu. Pravo slatko i super ideja. I cak joj je uljepsao njezinu “Rudi Völler”- frizuru  😀