Happy birthday my little sunshine ! / Sretan rodjendan sunce moje malo!

Two years ago I had one of the worst experiences in my life that luckily ended with one of the cutest girl I have seen. I´ll never forget your blue eyes staring at me. You looked like a small danish troll, waiting for thehigh five…Well, we made it. Happy birthday my little sunshine ! ada 2 yearsPrije dvije godine sam imala jednu od najgorih dozivljaja u zivotu koji se sretno zavrsi sa najsladjom curicom koju sam vidjela. Nikad necu zaboraviti tvoje plave plave oci koje su me iznenadjeno gledale. Izgledala si kao danski trol koji ceka da “nabaci”…Uspijeli smo “dusa mamina”. Sretan rodjendan sunce moje malo!

Gnojna angina dan 2 i 3 / Tonsillitis 2nd and 3d day

Last two days have been tough for me, and especially for Ada. She had high fever (sometimes above 40, and it´s coming and going). In between the fevers Ada was fit and wanted to walk around on “Ada” ( the islands in Una-river).  Every time I got the feeling it is finally getting better, the temperature started to rise again. She refused to eat and drink, and the worse thing was that it was almost impossible to get her drink her antibiotics. Anyone having experience with a child refusing to drink antibiotics??
We also had nice visit from my cousin Emina, so we went for a walk through Ada´s enjoying the landscape.

Zadnja dva dana su bila poteska Adi. Uzasno je mucila temperatura, i nikakva je. Taman kad se ponadam da se temperatura spustila, temperatura krene rasti. Nekoliko puta je bila cak i preko 40 stepeni sto me jako smorili i psihicki i fizicki. Sinoc bila bas uzasno naporna, kad nije htjela da popije antibiotik. Nije je bilo moguce natjerati. Puna dva sata smo i sebe i nju maltretirali sa svim mogucim nacinima da popije. Bas nas je izmorila… Imate li vi neke trikove kako dajete antibiotik djetetu koje uporno odbija da popije lijek?

Imali smo  i maksuz posjetu od rodice Emine, pa smo zajedo prosetali po Adama i uzivali u pejsazu.


Emergency / Hitna

Today, my daughter swallowed the packaging  from the tissue paper and it got stuck in her throat and she started to choke. Luckily my husband managed to  get it out , but afraid as he got he called the emergency so the doctors made a check to see if everything is out. It is incredible how  things  can change  in a second. ..So lucky me I missed the emergency car outside our door, while I was in the city with a friend… Even thinking of it I get goose bumps


Danas je moja kcerka progutala foliju od maramica i pocela se daviti. Srecom muz je uspio da sve izvuce, ali se ipak toliko prepao da je zvao hitnu. Hitna je dosla i doktori su pregledali Adu da vide da li je sve ok. Nevjerovatno kako se mogu stvari u sekundi promijeniti… Srecom ja sam promasila citavu uzbunu jer sam bila sa prijateljicom u gradu….Samo kad pomislim na tu situaciju najezim se…