To my daughter / Mojoj kcerki

This morning Ada woke up at 5.30h. That is fine, she fell asleep around 19h which is way to early for her. She was playing nicely until 8h but then she realized she has to go to kindergarten and then the hell broke loose. She was crying and crying and wanted to be with me. It was quite intresting to watch her try to get her will through.
Funny thing is once she is in kindergarten she really enjoys it. Reminds me of me when I have to do sports. I hate to go TO the sports club, but once I am there I really do enjoy it :/
In situations like this one would just love to get back to bed and wake up another day when you have a sunshine instead of a screaming monster…221071-to-my-daughter-who-likes-to-argue-with-mePrevod: Mojoj kcerci koja voli da raspravlja sa mnom. Sta mislis odakle imas svoj stav. Odustani od toga. Imam decenije vise iskustva nego ti 😀

Jutros se Ada probudila oko 5.30h. Ok je, jer je zaspala oko 19h sto je prepre prerano za nju. Lijepo se igrala do 8h dok nije skontala da mora u vrtic i tad je krenulo sve u vraga. Plakala je koliko je mogla i govorila kako hoce da bude sa mnom. Bilo mi je onako prilicno zanimljivo gledati kako pokusava da svoju volju provede.
Zanimljivo je isto, sto joj bude lijepo kad dodje u vrtic. Podsjeca me malo na mene i kad trebam ici na trening. Mrzim ICI do treninga, ali kad sam na mjestu onda mi bude fino.
U ovim situacijama bih se najradije samo vratila u krevet, odspavala i probudila neki drugi dan kad je Ada malo sunce a ne vristajuci monstrum…