Separation / Rastav

Today, was the first “separation” day for Ada. I left her in the kindergarten and had to pick her up a little bit later. She was quite fine for 1.5 hrs but after that she wanted to see mama 😛 Tomorrow is a new (longer) try 😀
I must say it is quite fascinating how she develops. How she copes with a new language, and how she goes to children and tries to communicate.
The most fascinating, I find, is the fabulous interest of learning new things, new language and she is never tired or lazy to do it. Definitely, something we grown ups could copy a little bit 😀72108-quotes-about-children-growing-up
Prevod: Ne rastu samo djeca, i roditelji to rade. Koliko god mi gledali nasu djecu sta rade od svojih zivota, tako oni gledaju sta mi radimo nasim (zivotima)
Danas je bio prvi dan “rastavljanja” za Adu. Ostavila sam je u vrticu i otisla sam po nju poslije nekog vremena. Bila je ok nekih 1.5h ali nakon toga je poceo plac i zelja za mamom 😛  Sta ces, sutra novi pokusaj ide 😀
Zanimljivo je gledati kako napreduje. Kako se bori sa novim jezikom, kako prilazi djeci i probava komunicirati. Ali najfascinantnije, meni, je ta nevjerovatna zelja za novim znanjem. Nikad joj nije nesto mrsko ili da je preumorna za neko novo izucavanje. To je definitivno nesto sto mi “stariji” mozemo da preuzmemo od djece 😀ada prica tatomAda talking with her dad about the day in kindergarten / Ada prica sa tatom o danu u vrticu


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