First strawberries / Prve jagode

This morning Ada and I arrived to Skövde. Ada was great during the trip. She was constantly talking and singing loud…in the wagon where it should be silcence. Luckily, no one complained.
At my parents place my mom had planted lots of strawberries and there where two that Ada had the honour to pick and eat. She loved it. It was her first time picking the strawberries herself.
In the evening I went to my grand mother. She is very sick and we spent two hours talking. It is very hard to see a person you love getting weaker and weaker. I really enjoyed seing and talking to her. So much experience and stories that only a long life (85 years) can give.20160609_152142 20160609_152722 20160609_213938Jutros smo Ada i ja stigle u Skövde.Ada je bila super na putu. Pricala je i pjevala  je citav put…u  vagonu  gdje treba biti  tisina. Srecom  se niko  nije bunio.
Kod kuce je mama  posadila dosta jagoda koje  su bas fino  rodile. Ada je nasla dvije  zrele koje je sama  pobrala  i ceifom jela. To joj je prvi put da je sama  brala jagode! To joj se pravo svidjelo. Odmah je trazila vise ali nije ih bilo zreli.
Navecer sam srela moju majku koja je jako bolesna. Provele smo dva sata pricajuci o starim uspomenama. Tesko je vidjeti jednu voljenu osobu koja postaje sve losija i losija. Lijepo mi je bilo pricati sa njom.  Prerijetki trenutci a toliko iskustva koji samo jedan dug zivot moze dati.

Mothers gift / Mamin poklon

My mother is great. Sometimes she picks up pieces that I just love. Today, my mother gave me this pretty dress. Loved the design. hLJIN hLJIN2
Mama je super. Ponekad kupi stvari koje mi pravo zapnu za oko. Danas mi je mama poklonila prelijepu haljinu od Ilse Jacobsen. Dizajn mi je prelijep.

Swedish national Day / Svedski nacionalni dan

I think I never  experienced  a nicer  swedish  national  day. The weather  was perfect. The concert  was fantastic. We hade the  honour  to listen  to the royal  opera, choir  and balet  for free. There  were  activites, like trying ballerinas, painting and gymnastics, for  the children. On top  of it  all  my mother  came on a short visit. Perfect 🙂20160606_111455 zlatana120160606_133333 20160606_130140 
20160606_133221 20160606_134825 zlatanaMislim  da nisam nikad ljepsi  svedski  nacionalni  dan dozivjela. Vrijeme  je bilo perfektno. Imali  smo cast slusati kraljevsku  opera, hor  i gledati balet… i to sve bezplatno. Bilo je i aktiviteta za djecu, poput probavanje balerinki, gimnastike i crtanja. A kao kec na desetku je moja mama dosla u kratku posjetu. Perfektno 🙂

First time / Prvi put

There is a first  time for everything. Also for “manicure”. This happened when grandmother came to Stockholm and Princess Zoe brought my sisters 150 different nail polishes. Quite  fascinating I find how  children want  as many  colors  as possible. Less is more  doesn’t really count in their  world. Ada also  made  her  first  political  statement  (not knowing  it though).IMG-20160606-WA0001Ima Za sve prvi  put. Tako i Za manikir. Ovaj dogadjaj  se naravno  morao  desiti  kad je majka dosla u Stockholm, i kad je Princess Zoe iznijela tetkinih neki 150 raznih  lakova. Zanimljivo  je kako djeca  hoce sto vise boja i kako izreka  “manje  je vise” ne pije  vode. Ada je isto svoj prvi politicki  stav demonstrirala…doduse  bezda zna  😉

Facial mask/ Maska za lice

Great home made facial mask for dry skin. It is also doesn´t hurt that it is cheap 😀
You need following ingredients (half the portion is enough for one person):

  • 4 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp honey
  • Half a yeast cube

Warm the olive oil in a water bath or micro wave.
Add the honey and the yeast and mix with a fork to a smooth mixture.
Clean the face and smear it then with the mask.
Leave the mask on for some 15 min or even better until it dries and wash it off then.

Super domaca maska za suho lice. A i jeftina je, sto nikad nikome nije smetalo 😀
Trebaju vam slijedeci sastoji (Za jedno lice je pola porcije dovoljno):

  • 4 cajne kasikice maslinovog ulja
  • 1 cajna kasika domaceg meda
  • pola kockice germe

Ugrijte maslinovo ulje u mikropec ili na pari.
Dodajte med i germu i promijesajte viljuskom dok smjesa ne bude glatka.
Ocistite lice i namazite domacom maskom.
Masku ostavite na licu nekih 15 min ili jos bolje dok se ne osusi.
Operite lice…