Chilling in the library / Visenje u biblioteci

One of the dearest things when I was a child was to go to the library. There was this fountain/ pool with golden fish swimming around that fascinated me. There was also the cosy children´s corner with all the great books and favorite fairy tales. This positive feeling about libraries (and books) I want to project onto my daughter.
Said and done I brought my daughter to the library. I was, I admit a little bit surprised that they even have teddy bears around. Ada liked them very much 😀
20160126_173228_resized 20160126_173624_resized 20160126_174418_resized 20160126_174807_resized 20160126_174811_resizedJedna od najljepsih stvari koje smo kao djeca radili su bili odlasci u biblioteku. Tamo je bila jedna fontana / bazencic gdje su zlatne ribice plivale i bile su mi, kao i svakom djetetu, tako fascinantne i lijepe. Bio je tamo i jedan udobni djeciji cosak sa svim mogucim knjigama i bajkama. Taj pozitivni osjecaj hocu da prenesem na Adu tako da smo nas dvije otisle zajedno u biblioteku. Ada je bila odusevljena, pogotovo medama koje, priznajem, nisam ocekivala u biblioteci 😀