Swan Lake / Labudovo jezero

Yesterday evening I had the opportunity to go to the Swan lake ballet (Tchaikowsky) with my cousin Sejla. The first thing I thought of entering the big hall was “imagine there was a terror attack now”. How sick isn´t that? Luckily the feeling transformed into expectation for a beautiful evening.

In short: The Swan Lake is one of if not the most known ballet in the world. It is about the prince Sigfried that falls in love with a white swan. The swan turns out to be the princess Odette that was kidnapped and put under the spell of the evil magician Rothbart. Princ Sigfried kills the evil magician and gets his princess Odette.20151121_194044The swan lake was played by the famous St.Petersburg Festival Ballet, which is one of the best ballets in the world, thus it was true joy sitting and watching this play. The absolute star of the play was Svetlana Zakharova playing Odette. She danced with such ease and grace that one got the feeling everyone can do it. She was fantastic!

Imala sam sinoc priliku da sa rodicom Sejlom odem na baletsku predstavu Labudovo Jezero od Tchaikowskog (Cajkovskog). Prvo sto sam pomislila kad sam usla u salu je “zamisli da ovdje bude teroristicki napad”. Zar to nije bolesno? Brzo me medjutim proslo to i preuzeo me onaj ocekaj ocekivanja i nade da lijepo provedem vecer.

Ukratko: Labudovo jezero je jedan ako ne  i najpoznatiji balet na svijetu. Radi se o jednom princu Sigfridu  koji se zaljubi u jednog labuda. Ispostavlja se da je labud pinceza Odette koja je od zla madzionicara Rotbarth kidnapovana i zacarena u labuda. Princ Sigfrid na kraju ubije zla madzionicara i dobije svoju Odette.20151121_211919
Labudovo jezero je izvedeno od St. Peterburskog Festival baleta, koji je jedan od najboljih baleta na svijetu. Samim tim je sjediti i gledati predstavu bilo kao melem za dusu . U citavom baletu mi se najvise svidjela Svetlana Zakharova koja je svoju ulogu kao Odette/ Odil tako plesala lagano i graciozno da sam imala osjecaj da svako moze tako plesati. Bila je fantasticna!

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