Istanbul Day 3 / Istanbul 3.dan

Finally the internet started working again (for now), so here are some pics from Istanbul. / Napokon je proradio i internet (za sad) tako da evo jos par slika iz Istanbula.

The 3rd day we got a little bit confused, or rather we were all a little bit unconcentrated. It happens with 2 children around. Somehow we missed that the archeological museum and the Topkapi Palace are two separate museums. We saw a lot of interesting things in the archeological museum. The one piece I liked most was the small marriage contract engraved in clay (I think it was clay). The only negative thing was that the museum wasn´t made for buggies or mobility impaired people. There are no elevators nor ramps and many stairs. Unfortunately, we couldn´t visit the Topkapi Palace after a certain little person refused to go to more museums 😛

3. dan smo se malo zbunile, ili bolje reci bile smo malo nekoncentrisane. Desi se kad imas 2 male djece na putu. Profulalo nas je da su arheoloski muzej i Topkapi Palaca ustvari dva odvojena muzeja. Vidjeli smo dosta zanimljivi stvari u arheoloskom muzej. To sto mi se najvise svidjelo je bio jedan bracni ugovor ugraviran u glinu (ja mislim da je bila glina). Jedino negativno sa muzejom je sto definitivno nije napravljen za osobe sa djecijim kolicima, invalide, ili cak i stariji jer je jako mnogo stepenica, a nema nigdje lifta. Nazalost nismo mogli otici u Topkapi Palaci jer je jedna mala osoba se bunila da nece vise da hoda po muzejima 😛

The Tiled Pavilion Museum or The Tiled Kiosk is the pavilion of the Topkapi Palace. It was made in 1472 by Sultan Mehmed II, as a pleasure palace or kiosk. It has wonderful blue mosaic entrance, and Beautiful collection of islamic  art indoors. I also found the colorful windows stunning.

The Tiled Pavilion Muzej (Poplocani Pavilion Muzej) ili Poplocani Kiosk je paviljon od Topkapi Palace. Napravljen je  1472 od Sultana Mehmeda II, kao jedna palaca uzitka ili kao kiosk. Ima predivni ulaz u poplocan plavim mozaikom. Unutra u paviljonu se moze kolekcija prelijepe islamske umjetnost naci. A posebno su mi se svidjeli raznobojnih prozori.

After the visits in the museum we went to the Great Bazaar. Somewhere we read that 90 million people pass through per year! Imagine 90 000 000! Inside the bazaar they had so much gold that my eyes wanted to jump out. There where so many stands with different things. After walk through the bazaar we had enough and walked out… and then we saw that the bazaar just continued in an everlasting stand. There where tons of dresses, cloths, curtains, shoes, bags and so on. Once you buy something you always feel cheated because if you walk a couple of meters there will always be another stand that is cheaper. Of course half the fun buying things is the bargain 🙂

 Nakon posjeta u muzeju odlucili smo otici u Veliki bazar da vidimo i to cudo. Negdje smo procitali da godisnje prodje cak 90 milijona ljudi kroz bazar. Zamislite 90 000 000! Unutra u bazaru je bilo zlata da ti ocu stanu. Dosta je bilo radnji sa svakavim produktima. Kad smo prosetali kroz bazar bilo nam je i toga dosta pa smo krenuli van, kad tek onda podje prava pijaca. Pa to je haljina, robe, pidjama, cipela, zavjesa itd na tone. Taman mislis kako je nesto jeftino kad par metara nize ista stvar jos jeftinija. Imas osjecaj da si uvijek prevaren ako nesto kupis. I naravno pola cari kad kupujes je cijenkanje 🙂

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