I find it very difficult to buy shoes for a child. It should fit to all weathers, it should keep the feet dry and should be light to wear and and… A problem is also when asking Ada which boots she likes then she would love to have them all. Additional to that I want the “best-on-test” boots and suddenly buying boots turns into real rocket science.
It ended the old fashioned way. Me ordering a couple of boots, letting Ada choose the one she liked to wear the most. She chose pretty cool ones from Viking. They remind me of the ones I had when I was a child 🙂
Smatram da je kupovati cipele djeci. Treba pasati za sve vrste vremena, držati noge suhe, trebaju biti lagane za nositi itd. Ako pitam Adu koje joj se čizme najviše sviđaju ona kaže da hoće sve. Na to ja hoću da budu one najbolje iz testova i obična kupovina čizama se pretvara u čitavu nauku.
Završilo je s tim da sam nekoliko pari čizama kupila i pustila Adu jedne po jedne da probava i ipak sama odluči koje hoće. Izabrala je cool čizme od Viking-a. Podsjećaju me na one što sam ja mala kao dijete 🙂