I became motivated to become more efficient after reading first page of Eat that frog :P. Well not more efficient but rather start a task and finish off some things that are taking ages to do, for example photo books.
I am planning since 2 years to make a photo book for Ada´s first year, than second…but but… With this speed she will turn out 3 and still not have a first year book.
Further my wish is to make photo books of our visits in Istanbul, St. Petersburg, Sweden, Bosnia, Iceland, Strasbourg and so on.
I have just pushed it in front of me because I know it takes such a loooooong time and these programs one is doing them on are a mess taking ages. There are so many features they can improve to make it more user friendly.
Well in any case I started with THE city weekend trip. Istanbul!
My absolute favorite city!!!
Wonderful and it gives me even energy to look at these old pictures and I am almost done after having worked on it for days. Yippiee 😀
Nakon čitanja “Eat that frog”- knjige postala sam motivisana da postanem eficijentnija. Ili bolje reći ne eficijentnija nego da uopšte nešto započnem i uradim od stvari koje mi se ne daju. Jedna od tih stvari je napraviti Adin foto album od prve i druge godine. Planiram to već 2 godine i ovim tempom napuniće i 3 godine a neće imati fotoalbum ni od prve godine.
Dalje mi je želja da napravim fotoalbume od mjesta što sam posjetila. Istanbul, St. Petersburg, Švedsku, Bosnu, Island, Štrasburg itd.
Čitavo vrijeme sam taj zadatak ispred sebe gurala jer mi se jednostavno ne da maltretirati sa onim programima. (Toliko stvari mogu popraviti na programu da olakšaju korisnicima da bih knjigu mogla napisati…)
Uglavnom počela sam sa NAJ vikend trip u moj apsolutni favorit grad. Istanbul !!!
Fantastičan je i daje mi nove energije kad gledam stare slike što me podsjete na naše predivno putovanje. I najbolje je to što sam, nakon nekoliko dana rada, skoro gotova. Jippiee 😀