Quiz/ Kviz

Did you know that the indian tribe Santhal has a unusual rithual for a child that gets the first tooth in the upper jaw? To protect this child from bad omen and disease they marry the child to a dog.

Da li ste znali da indijsko pleme Santhal imaju poseban ritual za djecu kojoj izraste prvi zub u gornjoj vilici? Da bi dijete od teških bolestiju sačuvalo djete vjenčaju sa ćukicom.


Teeth !!!/ Zubi!!!

Yesterday was big day. My daughter got not one but her first TWO teeth. Yesterday, there was nothing and today, suddenly, we could touch two teeth. Tried to make a photo but it was impossible… AND that was not all…

Jučer je bio jedan važan dan. Kćerci su nikli ne jedan već dva zubića !! Sinoć nije imala ni jednog, a danas se odjednom dva osjetila. Probala sam ih uslikati ali nije bilo moguće….Ali nije to sve…


(månader= months/ mjeseci)

She also started to crawl and she was so proud and motivated to start walking 🙂

Počela je i puzati i bila je tako ponosna i motivisana da pođe hodati 🙂


…and of course proud parents celebrated it 🙂

naravno… ponosni roditelji su proslavili to 🙂
