Tea time / Vrijeme za čaj

Another dull day invites for another relaxing afternoon tea. For the tea lovers I would recommend the Mariage Frères Tea. It is one of these teas making life a whole lot better. The tins they are packed in reminds of former times and are just simply beutiful. Mariage Frères was founded in 1854 in France and is still today run by the Mariage family.  In Munich a store called „Schöner Essen Geschenkartikel“ situated in the old town is selling this tea. In Sweden I have not found a store selling it, but if anyone knows it please tell me…mariage

Tmuran, kišni dan… Tačno poziva na opuštajući poslijepodnevni čaj. Za ljubitelje čaja preporučujem čaj od Mariage Frères. Taj čaj je jedan od čajeva koji čine životom ljepšim 🙂. Pakovanje podsjeća na stara romantična vremena i jednostavno je prelijepo. Firmu Mariage Frères su braća Mariage osnovali još 1854 godine u Francuskoj, a i dan danas familija Mariage drži sve u svojim rukama. 

Yesterday, I was motivated by the dull weather to spice up my tea storage with another three teas that I enjoy. I liked the cinnamon tea the most. There is never enough tea in a house 😀tea

Jucer me tmurno vrijeme motivisalo da malo obnovim moje “skladiste” cajeva. Kupila sam tri razna caja koja su bas ukusna i pozivaju na uzivanciju. Najukusniji mi je caj od cimeta…bujrum
