One of my goals is to learn at least one new dish per year and this year it happens to be Sushi! In no way I claim to be an expert but I don’t like to spend much money on food that I myself can do as good. Here,I still didn’t eat great sushi,but I admit I wasn’t also ready to spend 25 dollars per 6 sushi rolls so I was happily surprised when a friend of ours showed me how to do home made sushi
How I did and what I use:
Seaweed (should be for sushi )
Rice (it should be sticky rice, if it says sushi rice you pay a couple of extra dollar for it)
- If you want to use fish: should be raw fish, but we used smoked salmon since I don’t believe a fish is fresh until I see the eyes of the fish OR I see someone dragging it out from the water :))
- Cucumber
- Avocado
- cream cheese, like Philadelphia cheese (i used the one from Trader’s Joe and it worked just fine)
- carrots
- peppers
Preparation :
I put a plastic folio on the sushi bamboo mat. It is easier to keep the bamboo mat clean when using the folio. If you don’t have the mat, I’ve heard that you can use a kitchen towel. I have never used it though.
- Cook the rice
- Let the rice cool down
- Meanwhile prepare the filling. Chop the ingredients.
- Spread the rice on the seaweed.
- Put the filling on the rice
- Roll it together and press the bamboo mat so that the sushi gets more compact
- Cut in rolls
- Serve with soya sauce and wasabi
- Enjoy❤
The vegetarian sort was to take the fish out and use carrots instead. As you see it wasn’t perfect but who cares when it tastes delicious for 1/10 of the price 😀

Jedan od mojih životnih ciljeva je naučiti praviti jedno novo jelo godišnje. Ovaj put se to jelo zadesilo biti Sushi. Japansko jelo koje je van pameti skupo ovdje u White Plains. Ne volim trošiti novac na jela koja smatram da kod kuće mogu isto dobro napraviti…a ne smatram se nekim dobrim kuharom i tako se zadesi da jedan poznanik zna praviti sushi i ja fino iskoristim priliku da me nauči praviti “domaći Sushi”.
Kako sam ja pravila sushi i šta koristim:
Morske alge (trebaju biti za suši)
Riža (trebala bi biti ljepljiva riža, ako piše sushi riža, platite par dodatnih dolara)
– Ako želite koristiti ribu: trebala bi biti sirova, ali mi smo koristili dimljeni losos. Ne vjerujem da je riba svježa dok ne vidim svojim očima da je iz vode izpecana:))
– Krastavac
– Avokado
-kremasti sir, poput sira Philadelphia (ja sam koristila jeftiniju verziju iz Trader’s Joe i ok je bilo)
– mrkva
– paprike
Stavila sam plastičnu foliju na bambusovu prostirku (kao što vidite na slici nisam to prvi put i patila sam se pola sata da operem prostirku). Ako nemate bambus prostirku, čula sam da se može koristiti kuhinjska krpa.
- Skuhajte rižu.
- Pustite da se riža ohladi
- U međuvremenu nasjeckajte sastojke.
- Rasporedite rižu na algama.
- Poredajte sastojke po riži
- Zarolajte sve i pritisnite bambusovu prostirku tako da suši postane kompaktniji (ako prejako pritisnete sve će izletiti na strane-provjereno!)
- Isjecite na kolutiće (koristite oštar nož)
- Servirajte sa sojom i opcionalno sa wasabijem. (Wasabi je vrsta hrena.)
- Uživajte❤
Kao što vidite nije bilo savršeno, ali koga briga kad je ukusan i to za desetinu cijene 😀