Roberto Beach

My friend Lejla is a real doer and always updated about what and where things are happening. She always comes up with new ideas and she is absolutely astonishing when it comes to organizing things (and people). She suggested us to meet at Roberto Beach and since I´ve never been there I took the opportunity to visit a new place. It is a little bit outside Munich, close to Ascheim. The restaurant at the sand beach with easy going music makes you feel like you are on some exotic place and not Munich. The only minus is that one cannot swim there because it is only for wakeboarding so we could see a couple of acrobatic jumps 🙂 For small children the place is perfect. There is this small beach where children can bath and they loved it. The place supposedly looked even better before but a (ex)-worker turned it on fire so most of it got burned down…wonder how that person tells that in its CV?

Moja prijateljica Lejla je pravi “doer” (poduzetna?) i uvijek zna sta se gdje desava. Uvijek se sjeti neke nove ideje i nevjerovatna je sto se tice organizacije stvari i ljudi. Predlozila je da odemo na Roberto Beach koji je malo van Minhena kod Ascheima.Nikad nisam bila tamo tako da sam iskoristila priliku da vidim neko novo mjesto. Ima restoran na pjescanoj plazi, koji pusta lezernu muziku i imas osjecaj kao da si na nekom egzoticnom mjestu a ne u Minhenu. Prava uzivancija, samo steta sto se ne moze tamo kupati. Doduse za djecu ima odvojena plazica i tamo su pravo uzivali. Na jezeru inace voze wakeboard (skije na vodi) pa  smo vidjeli cak i par akrobatski skokova. Kazu da je prije ovaj kompleks cak bio bolji ali neki (bivsi) radnik je valjda citavo mjesto zapalio pa se sada ponovo gradi…pitam se samo kako ce to u svom cv-u prezentirati ?