Zanimljivo je kako kod vecini ljudi kad im neko isprica svoje snove svi ih smatraju malo ludima ako nisu snovi poput “otisla bih na Maldive, ili kupila bih auto” itd. Recimo kad bih ja rekla kakve snove imam ljudi bih mi se smijali i rekli da to nema sanse uradit ili uspijeti jer nisam milioner. Svi pocinju od toga da treba biti multimilioner da nesto mozes pokrenuti. Slazem se da je definitvno lakse i brze kad imas novac, ali ne razumijem zasto ne probati svoje snove ostvariti sa onim sto imas?
It is quite interesting how many people react on a person that tells them their dreams. There are some kind of dreams considered ok like “I would love to go to Maldives, or I would love to have a car” and there are these dreams of making something that ALWAYS tend to drag up the same comments from the people. For example you cannot do that without a couple of millions, or this and that has already been done / invented and so on. The thing is of course it is easier to do things when you have a couple of millions, but not even to try to fulfill your dreams because it costs money is also a weird way of fulfilling your dreams. I believe that it is better to try to fulfill your dreams with what you have.
Mislim da koliko god novca imao treba svejedno trud i rad, tako da cu jednostavno morati obrnuto pristupiti. Znaci prvo raditi pa onda mozda dobiti novac. Ali sad nikako nista ne raditi jer je vec sve kasno i svi su vec sve izmislili i nemam novca, to mi zvuci kao neki izgovor jednog “dzabalebarosa”.
Imam snove koje kad ih na glas izgovorim dobijem onaj osjecaj kao da stojim negdje na visini i gledam dole i citavo tijelo se zgrci i adrenalin mi pocne pumpati…Mislim da mi sad samo treba da iz snova stvorim ciljeve znaci sta mi preostaje : plan, energija, vrijeme i kreceeeemoooo 🙂
No matter how much money one has, hard work and time is still required. I consider it therefore only that one does it the other way around. One has to work hard, one needs time and hopefully the reward comes after some time. My dreams are so high that when I speak them out loudly I have to grasp for the air and I get an adrenalin kick, exactly the way you get when you stand close to the cliff watching down. Now I just need a plan, energy, time and off we gooooo 😀